Tuesday, June 26, 2007


It's a good point that, should you ever find yourself accidentally looking at Ctrl+Alt+Del, the title also conveys what you should do: reboot your computer as fast as possible. Like Dominic Deegan, this is one of the worst webcomics on the entire Internet, and much in the same manner it is oddly popular amongst the mentally handicapped. If they ever manage to stumble upon these words, I can expect a comments page akin to a pack of hooting and shit-throwing monkeys. Much like the one in my entry about Deegan, although perhaps with less repressed sobbing.

Ctrl+Alt+Del is one of those awful webcomics which is simultaneously well-known and well-known for being awful. Sure, it has its fans, but unlike Deegan it has a number of folk who are actually aware of how bad it is. In case you are not one of those people, pay heed to my words and leave this place enlightened.

Open your mouth. Not all the way, just relax the muscles and let your jaw hang down. Stare straight ahead, and let your eyelids droop. Smoking a lot of weed might help you attain this pose. Now, imagine that you have to maintain this facial expression all day long.

Because from day fuckin' one to five fuckin' years later, that's all anyone ever does on CAD. Perhaps the corner of the mouth will twitch up in a cruel mockery of a smile, perhaps they will close their slack jaw out of a lack of inane shit to say. But that's CAD art, right there. Pronounce "CAD art" similar to "clip art" because they are brothers. Tim Buckley, the anus from which CAD is discharged, has worn his Ctrl, C and V keys down to a nub.

Like most, by which I mean all, gaming webcomics, CAD hopped on the Penny Arcade bandwagon as it was leaving. On this Oregon Trail of Internet shame, many webcomics died of dysentery. They starved after not shooting enough buffalo. But CAD, like other types of vermin, survived. No, it thrived. It accumulated fans like a plague victim accumulates pustules, and soon became a regular fixture in the morning routines of self-important retards everywhere.

You see, you have to be pretty fucking stupid to enjoy Ctrl+Alt+Del. Take a gander at three random comics I just selected. They are all terrible. I'd take the time and explain, exactly, why they are unfunny... but you can't do that. You can just point and go "This isn't funny!" Because it's not funny. It's like watching a chimp or a small child try and imitate a grown man. Buckley has glimpsed entertainment and he is trying his best to emulate it, but he just can't.

Take a look at that last one, for a moment. You see, Buckley is wedded to his panel layout like Jolly Jack Tar is wed to the sea. Everything is four panels, four panel, four fucking panels in the same two-by-two grid. Except when he realises that his abortion of a "joke" can't be done in four panels, in which case he then hacks the one in half and cries himself to sleep, apologising profusely for having to wreck his template.

Even Penny Arcade manages to mix things up every now and again. The majority of jokes run to three or four panels because that's just how they're written, whereas Buckley rams them in as best he can, square-pegging that round hole like it's some kind of horrible fetish porno. Sometimes he'll consolidate his panels, and turn the two-by-two into one big panel. Why does he do this? Because he thinks he can write a good single-panel joke.

Buckley, Buckley, Buckley. If you cannot write a good four-panel joke, you have no ability to write any kind of joke there is. Ctrl+Alt+Del is not funny, never has been and never will be. At best it can elicit a laugh from being just plain pathetic, which is an awesome way to bring me into the following section about the characters of Ctrl+Alt+Del.

The wacky one, the straight guy, the girl and the talking thing-that-has-no-business-talking. Otherwise known as WSGT, the formula for 99% of gaming comics ever. Sometimes there are two girls, sometimes the talking thing doesn't talk and is just super wacky instead, but this is slavishly adhered to as if it was the fucking program for Spaceship Earth as ordained from God's own mouth.

The wacky one is Ethan. Ethan is our protagonist. Like pretty much all gaming webcomic protagonists, he is drawn very similar to the way Tim Buckley draws himself. For God's sake, will you guys cut that out! It is creepy, seriously. Also it makes you look like a total narcissist. Which probably describes Buckley pretty well, I suppose.

Ethan is the wacky one like all get out. He built a robot - OUT OF X-BOXES! LMAO HEUG. He talks about giraffes and cheese! LMAO RANDOM. He cavorts and gibbers and acts like he should be in an institution. His antics are supposed to elicit a laugh, but... how? It's so over the top, so wholly pathetic, that you just can't. It's not like watching someone who is naturally, gracefully funny in person. It's like watching someone desperately act the clown so you'll accept him. He flings himself out of windows, burns himself, cuts himself, walks into accident after accident and if you zoom in real deep you can see the glistening tears in his eyes and he silently whispers for you to accept him so he won't be so lonely anymore.

But you don't, because he's a fucking idiot.

Lilah is the girl. She's a girl. She plays games - but she's a girl. She dates Ethan and mothers him as he tries desperately to kill himself. Did I mention she's a girl who plays games? This is the sum extent of her character.

Lucas is the sarcastic one. I can barely remember his name. He's the fat guy who exists to be the supposedly smart one, to make the snide and sarcastic remarks that Buckley feels are oh so witty but just come across as a Comic Book Guy wannabe.

Zeke is the talking object. He's a robot! He hates humans. He's pretty much HK-47 from KoTOR only not as funny. Like the girl, he has no real personality beyond fawning over Ethan, when he's not threatening to kill him. Ha! Ha! So wacky.

Most Ctrl+Alt+Del backgrounds are images found on Google image search and run through a gaussian blur filter. I just thought I'd throw that out there. Between that and the constant copy-paste, it's frankly a bare-faced lie to refer to Buckley as an "artist". You could accomplish the same thing with Visual Basic, probably. Which only leaves Buckley as the "writer" of CAD, another undeserved title since writers generally don't try and fit the entire fucking dictionary into a single word bubble. That's why I support calling Buckley the cause of CAD, much in the same was as HIV is the cause of AIDS.

Your average CAD storyline revolves around Ethan, which is unsurprising since he is the self-insertion main character. Generally it involves something to do with games, tangently, such as him having to enter a gaming competition for no real reason. Then the "wacky" takes over and he ends up hurting himself and then HIS GIRLFRIEND (HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND YOU GUYS) has sex with him.

The latest storyline is a continuation of the masturbatory "Winter-Een-Mas" plot. The basics behind it are Ethan starts his own holiday for gamers and ends up getting crowned the King of Gaming. Sorry, what I meant to say is he crowns himself the King of Gaming. Which is JUST SO WACKY.

Then, in an odd turn of events, Mr. Buckley tries to be serious about it. Which just makes it actually funny, in a black kind of way. It turns out that this "holiday" is a source of big bucks (how?) and evil suits want in! So, HIS GIRLFRIEND (A GIRL WHO HAS SEX WITH HIM) gets kidnapped. This leads to a weak Matrix parody.

In 2006.

Seven years after the Matrix first came out.

Buckley, you are on the pulse of popular culture.

Cue dramatic moment, why not? God only knows how you can own a holiday, really - which goes for both EVIL BUSINESS SUIT MAN and Ethan. I guess the easy answer is Buckley is one of those self-hating gamers who believe that companies that don't have his best interests in heart are Goddamn babykilling, moneygrubbing bastards. How dare they make games he has no interest in playing! Time to get my own back the only way I know how: making my really bad webcomic have a really bad storyline!

The guy actually wears the crown. Jesus. But what's this? GAMERS ARE BOYCOTTING HIS GENERIC COMPANY! Yes, Buckley has done the impossible and herded cats. He's got the gamers of the world to stand up and shout and then sit back down again because physical activity is tiring. He's pulled this before, when he showed what a colossal fucking retard he is by yelling "Don't fuck with us!" to Jack Thompson. As if Jack Thompson pays attention to him. Frankly, if he did, it'd just prove his point about games making people stupid. So well done there Buckley. Also notice he looks just like Ethan there. Creepy.

Back to the story at hand. The company goes bankrupt in the space of perhaps twenty minutes. This does nothing but prove the real world is incomprehensible to Buckley. Ethan is discovered by this gaggle of gamers - again, in about twenty minutes as far as I can tell, but since they never change their clothes it could be eighteen years for all I know - and then cheer for him to become the King of Gaming once again. The One True King! Jesus fuckin' Christ. You can just hear the sound of damp meat slapping against damp meat as Buckley jerks his gerkin to the imaginary sound of everyone cheering him on.

Right now, we're seeing Ethan decide that being King isn't enough, and starting his own gaming religion. Which is a logical extension from a holiday, I suppose. Still, it's just more Bucksturbation. Where will it end up? With Ethan being made GAMING GOD, probably. Then it'll be like End of Evangelion with hundreds of Lilahs dissolving people into Kool-Aid and more bullshit psychobabble incarnate than the human mind can safely handle. Haha, I wish. For one thing, Buckley can't draw women properly clothed, let alone naked.

Lastly, Chef Brian. Chef fuckin' Brian. I don't know what to say beyond this caters to the Hot Topic crowd who think yelling "CHEESE MONKEY!" is hilarious. It's not, and neither is Chef Brian. It's "randomness" that's so forced it's painful. I don't want to say anything more about it.

I don't think there's anything I could say, really, to dissuade Buckley from continuing his shitty comic or getting his circlejerk to stop circlejerking. But to you so far untainted, stay the fuck away from this webcomic.


Syrg said...
You barely touched on the "Buckley is fucking nuts" part of this, but let me relate the ultimate tale of this, while simultaneously pointing out how unoriginal and egotistical he is.

Cut back a few years. Penny Arcade had just begun Child's Play. Webcomics big and small, gamer or not, were linking this, and going "Go, support this, anyone and everyone who can, because this is a good thing." It was like a drama-free topic. Hard to hate it, no matter how you felt about those two.

Buckley, unlike everyone else, did not link to the charity/PA (notice he never links other comics? There are stories in this, but I'm diverging topics). No. Instead, he tried to create his own charity.

I somehow doubt it's raised $50k, if it's even still around.
John Solomon said...
Haha, seriously? I didn't know that. That's awesome, in a terrible way.
Syrg said...
Let's put it this way: I could write a rant about as long as yours pertaining to the comic, just devoted to Tim Buckley.

He's the sole person whose presence on the internet I can honestly say I hate.
Anonymous said...
4 posts and you're on metafilter? Wtf?

Not that I disagree or anything, but CAD is the only webcomic you're discussing that I've ever heard of, and it's not exactly news to me that it stinks and that Buckley has been made an egomaniac by its success.
Anonymous said...
I think Buckley has linked to Dominic Deegan once. Yes, Dominic fucking Deegan. Terrible comic authors just stick together I guess.
John Solomon said...
I'm on metafilter? When did this happen? Why am I suddenly super-despised by people I don't know when I only made this blog two days ago?
Constance Parker said...
Keep it up!

I am enjoying the heck out of your reviews.

I actually enjoyed CAD for a long time, but your review is well-written and made me laugh anyway.

Phrexus said...
Why are you on Metafilter?

Hey, you said it best yourself when you said you "kicked up the ant's nest of faggotry" over in the Deegan thread.

Hang on, it's going to be a fun ride.
Graham said...
I adore you. If you use Stumbleupon, CtrAltDel just KEEPS coming up. I's obviously a real stinker, but am I the only one who hates that other thing...the 'cute' webcomic with the stickmen? XCBD or whatever it's called? Gahhh! They should all die is what they should do!
Anonymous said...
Another thing is Buckley's limp jabs at Macintosh. Not that Macs couldn't use some jabs, but Buckley isn't even any good at it.
Anonymous said...
Ehh, c'mon. XKCD is brilliant!
Anonymous said...
I won't say anything against Tim Buckley, I don't know him personally and he doesn't come across to me as egotistical in the only format I've ever experienced his personality in: his comics and newsposts, so I can't speak to your comments there.

I've been a loyal reader for years, and I've certainly never felt the need to actually e-mail Tim my thoughts on the strip. He's not going to change a successful work because someone sends him an e-mail, and I don't expect him to. That said, more and more lately I'm wondering what's keeping me so loyal. When you set up a work of fiction that is supposed to have a continuity, where storylines with beginnings, middles, and ends emerge, I think readers expect the work of fiction as a whole to have exactly that: a beginning, a middle and an end. I can't believe I'm going so in-depth, but it would seem that if Ethan is the main character, then the beginning is laid out as everything to his courtship of Lilah, the middle is the dating and the apartment fire (a pivotal, one might say climactic storyline) through the engagement, and one would assume that the comic would end with the marriage of Ethan and Lilah. We've been stuck in the early endgame for awhile now, based on that logic.

Now, that said, I'm not the comic strip artist, and I don't say what goes in Ctrl+Alt+Del. Not every webcomic has to have a beginning, middle and end, but this isn't Penny Arcade with isolated snippets of conversations or scenarios serving as strips. This is a continuous plot or plots, and so it should at least feel like there is some momentum. It does not feel like from a reader's perspective that the current storyline will advance the plot of the series as a whole. A couple of years ago, I was content to have storylines where not much happened. I'm not ashamed to admit that the arc where Lucas and Scott trick Ethan into thinking he has frozen time was for me comedic gold, and that storyline didn't advance the overall plot at all. My tastes have changed, I've read other webcomics with giant overarching plots, and I feel like it's evolve or end for the Ctrl+Alt+Del story right now.

I'm not saying Tim Buckley should end Ctrl+Alt+Del. It's successful for a reason, because people like it, and if people like it then he's obviously hit upon something and deserves to ride it for as long as possible. It's what any of us would do if given the opportunity, and I don't fault him for keeping it going. For myself, I may just have lost patience in it waiting for an endgame that never comes.
Dave said...
Here's something interesting for you. Take a look at www.absath.com. It's a journal of sketches and other art that Tim Buckley has kept on and off over the years. Look at the art contained in there, and then take a look at the art in Ctrl+Alt+Del, his main clame to fame. He's a great artist, yet every character in his webcomic looks almost exactly the same.

WHY? It's a waste.
John Solomon said...
If you think Buckley is going to shoot his cash cow while he can still milk it you are INSANE.
Anonymous said...
More "fun facts" about Tim Buckley:

He steals jokes from other webcomics. Just compare the current gaming religion storyline to this one done by Scott Kurtz in 2001:

He asked his fans for money so he could start a Battlefield server. Then unexpectedly closed it down and didn't refund them their money.

When word got out that he sent a nude picture of himself to an underage girl, he banned most of his user base. Just try asking about it on his forums. You'll be banned in minutes.
Connor Moran said...
I don't like CAD, but I actually thought that the third random comic you posted was kind of funny.
Anonymous said...
Been reading CAD for 3 years now but the comics that were really funny are scarce.
And yes, Buckley once linked to Dominic Deegan, that's how I found out about it but that this comic is a waste of space has been covered already.

"When word got out that he sent a nude picture of himself to an underage girl, he banned most of his user base. Just try asking about it on his forums. You'll be banned in minutes."

True, just saw it happen an hour ago, Thread got deleted before anyone could really read it, don't know if the story about buckley sending nude pics to underage girls is true (and honestly I don't care) but anyone mentioning anything about RoM gets permabanned.
You also get permabanned if you say that his comic is shit or if you even dare to say something that is not "OMG YOUR COMIC IS TEH ROXXORZZZ!!!!111".
Check out the forum, it is full of e-hobos, 13 year olds who discovered their dicks the other day and people that only fit in on the internet because they lack a real personality, also fun to note are the people constantly brown nosing him.
The forum has become my main source of entertainment since the comic offers none and you are right with everything you said.
Shane said...
Hell, go to say, the wikipedia entry for CAD. There is no mention of the criticism of it. It is all very pro-cad. It's like foreign dictatorships where no one can criticize the party. INstead it's "no one can criticize the comic."
Anonymous said...
yeah and the reason you don't have any ravaging CADites on this blog right now is because any post containing this URL would get deleted and you will pretty sure face a ban since you would have commited blasphemy and this blog also contains the words "faggot" and "gay" in a derogatory way and you can't have the little kids read that, could you?
J said...
Whoever said xkcd sucks can go crawl in a hole and die.

That said, CAD really isn't very good, but it's not terrible, either. It's just not worth keeping up with. I really am astonished it's lasted this long.
Therum said...
"Whoever said xkcd sucks can go crawl in a hole and die."

Anonymous said...
"Whoever said xkcd sucks can go crawl in a hole and die."

Chris said...
Haha: http://www.cad-forums.com/showthread.php?t=75284

"You're reading far too much into the comic." *topic locked*

ted said...
that actually would be worth a goldmine
Nick said...
Dear god... have you read the latest self-satisfied "Gaming religion" story he's got going on right now? SMITE!
Michael said...

It is pretty frustrating, guys.
Anonymous said...
This review reminded me of the great comic "Buckleys World"

Anonymous said...
Buckley's World is actually a comic called Assbath (a play on Tim's moniker Absath) created by the maker of Hockey Zombie. http://www.hockeyzombie.com/assbathcomic/daily.php?date=040101

check out the comic, and the forum, for all the real info about tim and CAD. these guys were the ones mistreated by tim.
Anonymous said...
Listen I realy like the comic when it first started off then I joined the forums and started posting on RoM. I started to love the community and hate the comic the only reason I didnt bash it was because I didnt realy read it any more.Then Tim started to think his e penis was the biggest thing on the interwebz. RoMicide was just the last straw it was like hitler but instead of mein kamf it was mein shitty comic.So everyone who left is on Hockeyzombie.com

Bogol said...
For someone who claims to hate Tim Buckley, you seem to have read all of his comics. Why not stop being a whiner and work on an original comic that doesn't have a tirade against CAD?

Oh, sorry. You just said that you can't draw or write a story or comedy if it didn't involve raping infants and self-inserting your dog penis into your own ass, silly me!

You're probably miffed that he rocked the webcomic world with his groundbreaking proposition to the religions with his gaming religion story with Lucas' unexpected wisdom:


"I'll tell you what I've got a deal for you, take it or leave it. He will completely shut down the Church of Gaming if you can provide an argument for why his Gods don't exist, that can't also be used to disprove the existence of your Gods." To which all of the religious guys are in slack jawed shock.

Maybe if you stopped being so jealous you could come up with some partially creative stuff. Or maybe challenge Buckley's proposition to all the religions.

Naturally you would have no answer, because he is right.
John Solomon said...
This is either perfect satire or something else entirely.
Nick said...
pretty sure that "Lucas' unexpected wisdom" is actually an old marxist maxim
B - 18 said...
Don't forget Buckley's awesome guide to sexism.

Anonymous said...
Bogol: That's simply the most stereotypical and inane argument used by beginning atheists lately. In terms of intelligence, probably a little below Pascal's wager.

It's an asinine argument on its face. Saying "refute his religion with one argument that doesn't also apply to your religion" is like saying "refute his political views with one argument that doesn't also apply to your political views." This is the kind of stuff that helps self-righteous college-aged atheists feel like they have a sophisticated belief. Naturally it thrives at CAD.

There are plenty of points that can be made against Christianity and the other religions that have way more validity. This isn't one of them.
Anonymous said...
"I'll tell you what I've got a deal for you, take it or leave it. He will completely shut down the Church of Gaming if you can provide an argument for why his Gods don't exist, that can't also be used to disprove the existence of your Gods."

To this, I quote an edit I saved of that very same comic.

"His gods were created for the sole purpose of worshiping physical objects invented by man. Thousands of years of history and the best he can do is create a broken form of idolatry?"

I'd say that's a fair response.
hazard said...
I've actually got that edit. There's no way to post it here, though, is there?
Anonymous said...
hazard: Photobucket? Or.. is it just text from someone's suggestion in a forum?
John said...
Regarding wikipedia entries.. its nearly impossible to maintain criticism on wikipedia. Believe me, I've tried. I think it's something systemic, rather than reflecting anything particularly about CAD.
Anonymous said...
First of all Buckley stole that religion thing from church of the flying spaghetti monster.

Second of all if sid is gonna send one of his little shits over here tell him to send a good one.

Jared said...
Also, Buckley apparently vandalizes wikipedia:


In some rather hilarious ways, too. Such as blanking PvP's article and replacing it with "PvP sucks"
juzq said...
Buckley's attempts at drama are crap, as well.

His most recent crap has Lucas lamenting that he doesn't love his girlfriend after dating her for a whopping 3/4 months.

Kurosen said...
When I first met Tim, all I knew about him was that he was some dude who did a gaming comic and there was often some kinda drama centered around it or him. I avoid people like that. Then we bumped into each other at Connecticon one year, ended up hanging out most of the weekend through circumstance, and I found out that Tim's a very likeable guy.

Just as with anyone else, if your base assumption is, "This guy's an asshole," it's going to be very simple to justify to yourself how almost anything he does proves that he's an asshole. Example: when he supported Child's Play, people called him a shithead for copying Penny Arcade. So the next year he supported a different charity and people called him a shithead for not supporting Child's Play. I mean, what?

People can not like his comic and that's fine. Many people don't like my comic. Whoopie. But this obsession with finding reasons to hate Tim personally is just sad. He's no more flawed than anyone else here. The only difference is that everything you do or say isn't scrutinized through a lens of "Look at that asshole, he's being such an asshole," by thousands of people who don't know anything about you who are obsessed with making sure they think you're an asshole.

And, for god's sake, it's wikipedia. The thing is basically a joke.
John Solomon said...
His webcomic is shit, though.
twilightdusk said...
How dare they make games he has no interest in playing!

I find this hillarious since most of this blog is screaming "How DARE people make webcomics I don't like (and before you say that I am defending crap, you made this blog for the ammusment of your 7-8 friends, THOUSANDS of people read and enjoy the webcomics that you claim have no right to exist.)
John Solomon said...
Wow, you're a fucking idiot who has completely missed the point. Both points, in fact.

Congratulations, possibly?
PlayItBogart said...
4chan came up with the CAD rule to combat the shittyness of his webcomic. Take out the second and third panels, and remove the dialog of the fourth panel.

Or sometimes, in the case of today's CAD comic, leave the fourth panel's dialog in.
Jay said...
Did anyone notice that today's CAD (http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comics/20070831.jpg)and today's PA (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/08/31) are awfully similar?
Anonymous said...
Actually, Ctrl Alt Del published their comic before Penny Arcade did. I opened both Penny Arcade and CAD at the same time and PA hadn't updated while CAD had. It WAS weird to see the similarities, though.
Asila said...
The comment about how Buckley 'rocked' the gaming world and then went on that little diatribe about religion--posted by bogol--is almost (if not) exactly the same as a comment posted on another site that dissed CAD (Refried, the same site that did Buckley's Guide to Sexism.) I'm thinking that some Buckley lover's got way too much time on their hands, and is quite prolific with the copy/paste...
Oh, and about Buckley? Yeah, the crappy Chef Brian thing is what drew most of his fan base to the comic initially--"OMG I'm so wacky and irreverant!"--and have you seen how he reacts to it now? Not only does he dismiss Chef Brian and all Chef Brian questions--publically, at Cons!--I'm pretty sure I've seen him insult people who like that character. What a fun guy.
Fernaske said...
kurosen, he was definitely just nice to you in person because he's afraid of facing the consequences if he acts like an asshole.
And I'm sure he just made/supported his own choice of charity just to make himself look good to other people and get an ego boost.
Asila said...
I found the original posting on Tim of Refried's LiveJournal (It's procrastination, I'm supposed to be finishing a physics lab).

"For someone who claims to hate Tim Buckley, you seem to have read all of his comics. Why not stop being a whiner and work on an original comic that doesn't have a tirade against CAD?

You're probably miffed that he rocked the webcomic world with his groundbreaking proposition to the religions with his gaming religion story with Lucas' unexpected wisdom:

"I'll tell you what I've got a deal for you, take it or leave it. He will completely shut down the Church of Gaming if you can provide an argument for why his Gods don't exist, that can't also be used to disprove the existence of your Gods." To which all of the religious guys are in slack jawed shock.

Maybe if you stopped being so jealous you could come up with some partially creative stuff."

I just think it's amusing that some CAD fan would find instances of people dissing CAD and then post almost the exact same thing in response. Unless Buckley's found something to do with the extra time he spends not making a decent comic...
Anonymous said...
gwtbw, perry bible, lego-robot: All infinitely better web comics than CAD.
Anonymous said...
Fernaske, No one supports charity for completely selfless reasons. Its always done for the ego boost.

Asila, stop getting trolled.
Sandman said...
I'm kind of confused about this...

OK, you don't like the CAD comic, fair call, everyone has different opinions.. though honestly the "IM GONNA REVIEW THIS *ITEM* AND TEAR THE SHIT OUT OF IT LOLZ" theme is kind of overdone... how about writing reviews that cover the pros and cons about things? And saying "IT HAS NO PROS UNLESS YOU'RE A MENTALLY RETARDED APE" might work once or twice, but every review?

Instead of pages and pages of "THIS IS SO SHIT ITS SO TERRIBLE ITS SO NOT FUNNY" over and over and over. I've read two of your articles and both of them read exactly the same. One was for a comic I like, another for one I actually can't stand.. yet your articles on both were overly harsh for no reason without bothering to explain why past "IT JUST ISN'T FUNNY!"

Furthermore you seem to have a habbit of insulting people you have clearly never met and know nothing about minus that which they present of themselves over the internet. Then you go and post in your 'Top 10 stupidest complaints' entry that people shouldn't assume that this blog is the only thing to judge you off because you could be doing something different under your real and/or another name!

And I'm no fanboy.. I enjoy well-written articles that disagree with my own opinions just as much as ones that are in line with my own thoughts. However you seem to take the approach of "if I cram as many insults into each sentance as possible that will make it good".

In short, your 'reviews' are complete crap and not even remotely entertaining to read, even the ones that fall in line with my own opinions.
John Solomon said...
You're an idiot.
John Solomon said...
Oh no I judged you without even getting to know you!
John Solomon said...
Okay after carefully reading your comment and using its contents as a basis by which to judge your intelligence, I can safely say that you are indeed an idiot.
Asila said...
"Asila, stop getting trolled."

I guess I shouldn't admit that this lost me, but...
Was I just accused of *being* a troll, or something else that was just so subtle that it flew right over my head?
sandman said...
You're an idiot.

Oh no I judged you without even getting to know you!

Okay after carefully reading your comment and using its contents as a basis by which to judge your intelligence, I can safely say that you are indeed an idiot.

Well done on saying exactly what I expected you to. Feel special.

However I do find it highly amusing that the only rebuttal you can come up with is "You're an idiot for unspecified reasons". Then you act like I care if you judge me without getting to know me... I don't.

My point was, as anyone with a brain could tell, that if you're going to write something and call it a 'review' instead of 'the whiny bitching of someone doing their best impression of a 12 year old with ADHD and a case of redbull', then how about you do it properly?

The reason I mentioned the judging people based on how they present themselves to you over the internet is because you clearly do have a problem with it, otherwise it wouldn't be in your top 10 stupid things people send you, would it?

However this is the internet, and you're more then welcome to fill it with stupid crap, just don't act surprised when people point out that it is crap.
Anonymous said...
These comics are so bad Buckley should be shot multiple times. The one about a game getting scratched went like....3 days. A girl pissed in his oatmeal or some dumb shit and instead of saying "HAWT!!" he shot her and didn't even rape her. If anybody is a fan of these comics they obviously have no sense of humor at all.
Lurch said...
I like CAD (some people do, some people dont) i dont really understand why so many people hate it, if you dont like it dont read it but there are so many whinging little girls out there that have to keep complaining about things its like everybody is their own little Jack Thompson.
Reaper said...
Your "Three Random Comics" (to me) are funny because i read the comics that precede them, if you want a webcomic that spews stupid one-liners all the goddamm time just stick with penny arcade or some shit
Joel said...
Hey John Solomon I think you are just pissed that you didn't create this comic first or maybe you actually just have to be intelligent to read his comics (i don't know) writing a bad review is one thing but when it shows how blatantly jealous you are of Tim's success just stop for Christs sake
Anonymous said...
I'm with you sandman
Major Sheep said...
Hey John Solomon I think you are just pissed that you didn't create this comic first or maybe you actually just have to be intelligent to read his comics (i don't know) writing a bad review is one thing but when it shows how blatantly jealous you are of Tim's success just stop for Christs sake

It's hard to take someone seriously when they don't use PUNCTUATION!
Anonymous said...
um, if you don't like it then don't read it, but stop complaining about it
John Solomon said...
Well done on saying exactly what I expected you to. Feel special.

John Solomon said...
As for the rest of you trolls: bingo, bingo, bingo.

Find some new mindless catchphrases to spew.
Anonymous said...
My erection... slowly sprouts from my open boxers. It's throbbing bliss calls forth my hand as I read his work. With a background of repeating Okkusenman... I ruin my keyboard and monitor just as I finish reading this review on ctrlaltdelete.
Joel said...
@Major Sheep

Ok then:

Hey John Solomon, I think you are just pissed that you didn't create this comic first.. Or maybe you actually just have to be intelligent to read his comics? (i don't know).

Writing a bad review is one thing, but when it shows how blatantly jealous you are of Tim's success just stop for Christs sake.
reach42 said...
You're probably miffed that he rocked the webcomic world with his groundbreaking proposition to the religions with his gaming religion story with Lucas' unexpected wisdom:


"I'll tell you what I've got a deal for you, take it or leave it. He will completely shut down the Church of Gaming if you can provide an argument for why his Gods don't exist, that can't also be used to disprove the existence of your Gods." To which all of the religious guys are in slack jawed shock.


check it out.
Sandafluffoid said...
To Mr. Solomon: I must say from teh few snipepts of CAD that I've seen you are utterly right and that it is notehing more than unmitigated crap. I am also aware that you will eb reading this and so I apologize for the fact that I am goign to refer to you in the third person.

TO Mr. Sandman: The aforementioned Mr. Solomon is entirely correct in calling you an idiot, and you are entirely correct in identifying that he did not specify why. There are two bloody obviosu reasons whyfore he did this. Number one, it should be bloody obvious why you are an idiot. Adn second, to explain exactly why you are an idiot and defending each and every word of his article would be equally as long as said article. By the time your arrogant little matchstick armour had been beaten down into sawdust we would all have got bored and punched both you and Mr. Solomon. SInce he is clearly under-keen to get punched AND write another essay about the crappiness of yourself and CAD he has seen fit to allow us to extrapolate the obvious. I myself will nto explain why you are an idiot, finding it infinitely mroe amusing to watch you fester in your own ignorance.
sandman said...

Yeah.. learn to read. I told you I knew you'd respond like you an idiot, not that I was responsible for it.

TO Mr. Sandman: The aforementioned Mr. Solomon is entirely correct in calling you an idiot, and you are entirely correct in identifying that he did not specify why. There are two bloody obviosu reasons whyfore he did this. Number one, it should be bloody obvious why you are an idiot. Adn second, to explain exactly why you are an idiot and defending each and every word of his article would be equally as long as said article. By the time your arrogant little matchstick armour had been beaten down into sawdust we would all have got bored and punched both you and Mr. Solomon. SInce he is clearly under-keen to get punched AND write another essay about the crappiness of yourself and CAD he has seen fit to allow us to extrapolate the obvious. I myself will nto explain why you are an idiot, finding it infinitely mroe amusing to watch you fester in your own ignorance.

If telling someone to write a proper review instead of mindlessly repeating how crap everything is makes me an idiot, then I guess I am one.

And please, stop with the "I don't have to justify what I say" crap. All anyone hears is "I don't have anything to justify it WITH". Because if you did, you'd have just said that instead of "It's sooo obvious!".
Sandafluffoid said...
Very well, allow me to enlighten you in two ways. 1. The reason he writes similarly derogatary review is because this is a blog ABOUT bad webcomics. He could indeed just give us a list of bad webcomics but that would be about as amusing as reading all the way through CAD. SO instead he comes up with a variety of creative and lively insults to fling at them. This way we are kept amused and informed about a crappy comic at the same time.

2.He does indeed judge Mr. Burton in soem ways from his comics, but as we have seen from Burton's violent deleting of anti-CAD posts on his forums and totalitarian censorship of threads he does not like people criticizing him and his ego. So we know he is nto a nice person, we also know that he has a big ego because he is clearly quite convinced that his comics are amusing. Which they simply aren't.

That good enough for ya'?
John Solomon said...
I would actually read Ctrl-Alt-Del if it was done by Tim Burton.

The guy's name is "Buckley" - rhymes with "Fuckley" which is what a lot people call him.
Anonymous said...
As far as I'm concerned CAD is the Family Guy to Penny Arcade's Family Guy, and quite frankly I dislike all four of them. Penny Arcade, much like the Simpsons, has become repetitive, and boring. Cad, much like Family Guy is only funny if you let yourself loose your dignity for a minute, and learn to laugh at a fart.
quite disgruntled, actually said...
"... someone doing their best impression of a 12 year old with ADHD and a case of redbull..." Jesus Christ, why does everyone hate folk with ADD and -HD so much? They're unfortunate people with a mental disorder. I see this sort of hate and shit everywhere. It's cruel, and continues the spread of intolerance. But who am I kidding; this is the internet. I won't even get a polite response.
Anonymous said...
I did read this, and I still do. It was pretty funny at first but your review is pretty much dead on. It's just not funny.

I still go there, mostly just for the forums - but the comic is just a passing amusement I only read every now and again if I'm bored.

It's just dull.
sandman said...
Very well, allow me to enlighten you in two ways. 1. The reason he writes similarly derogatary review is because this is a blog ABOUT bad webcomics. He could indeed just give us a list of bad webcomics but that would be about as amusing as reading all the way through CAD. SO instead he comes up with a variety of creative and lively insults to fling at them. This way we are kept amused and informed about a crappy comic at the same time.

*sigh* - so you're saying none of these comics have any good features at all and are all so terribley bad that pages upon pages of insults are needed? A good reviewer takes into account the good AND the bad, and makes an overall conclusion. My question was why not do that? The responses I get show exactly why I wouldn't listen to most of the people on this page in the first place.

And on that note... why the hell do you want a list of comics that some random guy doesnt like? Its not like a book or game that requires you to buy and use to have an opinion of... go to the site and decide for yourself if you like the thing. It'll take you about 10 minutes to figure out if it's funny to you, and thats if you're slow.

2.He does indeed judge Mr. Burton in soem ways from his comics, but as we have seen from Burton's violent deleting of anti-CAD posts on his forums and totalitarian censorship of threads he does not like people criticizing him and his ego. So we know he is nto a nice person, we also know that he has a big ego because he is clearly quite convinced that his comics are amusing. Which they simply aren't.

So who's Mr. Burton? Honestly, do some reaseach, it's not like the name isn't listed 20 times on THIS PAGE. And if you already know it, proofread before you hit 'submit'.

Second, if you had a website, would you leave threads bagging you on your forums? No. You'd delete them. What a supprise that Tim has done just that.

In addition, you state that his comics aren't amusing.. how small minded ARE you? They are amusing to thousands of people, just because you dont like it doesn't make it bad. Sure, you can say you don't find them funny... but I hate to break it to you, your opinion doesn't matter to him. Hell, go to his FAQ page, in there is his response to people who don't like his comic: "Then don't read it".

That good enough for ya'?

Nope, you've not brought one single valid point to the discussion.

"... someone doing their best impression of a 12 year old with ADHD and a case of redbull..." Jesus Christ, why does everyone hate folk with ADD and -HD so much? They're unfortunate people with a mental disorder. I see this sort of hate and shit everywhere. It's cruel, and continues the spread of intolerance. But who am I kidding; this is the internet. I won't even get a polite response.

Meh, I don't go with this attitude. My brother has ADHD (and ACTUALLY has it, unlike the 9 million kids with bad parents who get told they have it these days because their parents don't know how to discipline thier kids), and has done well for himself in life. He also read your comment and found it highly amusing. People with ADHD are only as mentally challenged as they let themselves be.

That said, my comment was only used to illustrate a point, not insult anybody with any metal disorders and I appologise if you were offended, as I most certainly don't hold any hate towards those with disabilities.
Mister X said...
Ah, the B^Uckley rule. Try it for yourself. Sometimes it requires a simple edit to work, but hey.



Raan said...
The comments on this article is clearly funnier than the article itself. I especially enjoy how John Solomon starts sounding like a troll himself after Sandman began his argument.

Your attempt at being Maddox kind of fell apart there, man, but then again, it was pretty pathetic to begin with. Made me laugh though.
Raan said...
Heh, I did notice, after posting, that you're compared to Maddox quite often. Sorry about unwittingly using a cliché, however the similarities abound. I'd even go as far as to say that you ripped off that old recipe even worse than Tim Buckley ripped of Penny Arcade. I've seen many scathing reviews that manage to be somewhat original. Just look at Yahtzee, who linked me here. http://www.fullyramblomatic.com

Anyway, you should probably try to be a little more creative, you might actually manage to be slightly funny or interesting. Also, perhaps learning to take some criticism would be good? Or at least learning how to respond in a witty manner so you don't seem so sad and hurt. It may give people the wrong idea.

Sorry for the double post. Carry on.
Anonymous said...
CAD is far far better than Penny Arcade; maybe the characters are drawn boringly in CAD, but they are drawn stupidly in Penny Arcade, and i consider stupid worse than boring (oh and by the way, CAD is funny)
LEET said...
So many people miss the entire point of criticsm nowadays.
Anonymous said...
Actually, Buckley has a right to be egotistical. Only a few people can make a terrible webcomic popular.
Anonymous said...
Y'know, I think it's hilarious that people think if you don't like something "you're jealous" and can't do the same thing. Who CARES if you can't draw or write comics?! I can't do comic layout for SHIT and I know that Buckley's comic is crap. Did you ever watch that video he put up that shows what he does? He has a huge array of eyes and mouths and in some cases full on faces, so that he doesn't have to draw them again and again. >.>

But you do NOT, people, need to have a skill at something to recognize if it's good or not. You don't have to be a gourmet to know a dish tastes like shit. And don't get effing literal on me with that one, you're not witty.

Anonymous said...
You know, comics can also be a form of escapism... The real world has nothing to do with webcomics. They're fictional. They're not intended to be realistic in any way. If people would look up hypocricy they'd see your name next to the description...

While Buckley may have an ego, he makes the comic for free. He keeps up his schedule, and i find the comic to be enjoyable. Whether or not people buy his merchandise is their choice, it's not forced on them by Buckley.

Instead of proclaiming him to be the devil incarnate you could simply tell people you don't like the comic. Unless you like stuff like hello kitty, which of course is a completely different problem on it's own.
Anonymous said...
I'm sure this is a moot point by now, but could someone explain to me, point by point, why sandman is an idiot?

I'm an idiot, and I need things to be explained step by step.
BrotherRool said...
I guess I might as well have my head shot off by your kind people who "never flame because we're not assholes who make fun of people unlike those assholes who jeer us".

First off, I find this blog mildly amusing with some well written criticism amongst the rant and essay. Cerain points brought up have a sound factual basis. Others don't. The first sign of this as with any insecure person on the internet is incessant flaming. The swear words go along with the abuse and the factuality go down. It's like the written version of a cartoon character flailing on a cliff edge.

Some points against favour. First of all, all of you who are sore because you got banned on CAD forumns. Tim doesn't run them. It's that simple it's another guy with more time on his hands. You're bitching against the author for soemthing which he isn't interested in or responsible for.

For the remaing 9% and author. The humor is drier and into self parody whether it's from a lack of understanding or because the title is "bad webcomics" you've decided to gloss over the fact. People laugh at different things get over it, believe it or not calling someone a penis shouldn't inflate your own ego, it does not make you better than anybody else if you call them a dimwit.

All commenters of Chef Brian should notice that they are now ralrey ever used and the style is chanign merely because Tim like anyone learns and grows and has reliased that they're just not funny anymore.

For the story arc business yes some re drawn out, he plans to stick around which is far better than an author not planning.

Finally I note that sadly I had to debate on the commenters points merley because the original poster didn't have that many. Sorry.

(Way my first attempt at a flame, didn't I do well)
Harp said...
I'm not really a fan of CAD, and it was nice to read an article like this. I've been looking around for an article, and though yours was sort of mean in places, it summed up the faults of the comic nicely, especially the parts about how tiring the "randomness" and "girlfriend/fiance" lines get.

Just one thing. He's got the gamers of the world to stand up and shout and then sit back down again because physical activity is tiring. It just seems a little hypocritical that you point out the stolen background images when you borrowed that line from Penny Arcade.

I really liked this. Makes reading CAD much more fun.
Pete said...
Raan is a tool.

'Nuff said.
Anonymous said...
I have to say the most intelligent stuff on this page was written by sandman, and i couldnt help but laugh at your pathetic attempt at a comeback to an intelligent argument. It a sort of cross between saying the intelligent argument is NOT intelligent which unfortunatly for you does not make it the case and swearing. You're clearly a fool who buys in to the "if you dont agree with me your a fucking idiot" philosophy to life.

Before i get accused of being a Buckley fanboy i agree that his comics range from placidly boring to plain crap but then again your review is even worse reading...

Now i fully expect to get the same whiney put down you give to every post that doesnt have its nose up your arse the difference being i wont be back to this dump to read it.
Anonymous said...
Interesting. I had not heard about this webcomic before, but i read the links and found it very amusing. Thanks for the tip. Now i just have to read the rest.
Anonymous said...
"These comics are so bad Buckley should be shot multiple times. The one about a game getting scratched went like....3 days. A girl pissed in his oatmeal or some dumb shit and instead of saying "HAWT!!" he shot her and didn't even rape her. If anybody is a fan of these comics they obviously have no sense of humor at all."

Whoever posted this obviously has never really read the comic before... This story line is about 4 "players" who always kill each other, thats the entire point of the story... and since when do you have to rape a women when you kill her, sick bastard?
Anonymous said...
Around 5:40 you can see him using his face palette.
C. L. said...
Eh, as it goes for a gaming webcomic, it ain't -that- bad.

The greatest genius I've ever seen? No, probably not. But I don't read webcomics for genius material or to expand my mind; I read them because I'm bored.

Anyways...interesting review! I don't agree with all of it, but your rant style is certainly one to admire! :D

~C. L.~
Anonymous said...
So, retards MST webcomics now?


Keep thinking you have a brain, you may grow one someday.
PlayItBogart said...
I dare someone to defend the latest story arc. Explain to me how it's even remotely funny without using Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" as an example.
Mr. Name said...
Sandman is an idiot because he is complaining about the "reviews" on this site. This is not a review site. It's a humor site, and the humor, as you may have guessed from the title, the humor on this site is based on the ridicule of webcomics that have little or no worth. Shortpacked has little worth (the old batman strips are funny) and CAD has no worth. Thousands of people find it funny? Well millions of people find it not funny. and billions don't know about it, but would almost crtainly find it not funny. You know what else thousands of people do? Stupid shit. That doesn't mean stupid shit has value.
Anonymous said...
I'd have a lot more respect for Fuckley if he'd just drop CAD like a ton of bricks, push his ego into the pits and stick to drawing dragons and robots with pencils.

His regular art is surprisingly superior to his ability to write and draw webcomics, which is a big ol' mindfuck when you think about it.
Anonymous said...
you ARE sad
Dave Raynes said...
for a guy who cant even spell JAW im amazed at your arrogance and down and out foolishness. you dont seem to grasp the fact people can enjoy whatever the fuck they want, just because you have to get your kicks by insulting something to make yourself feel like you actually HAVE a dick, does not mean its crap. you really need to get a life sir. really.
Korodzik said...
Sorry for disappointing you, but I actually liked this review. I mean, I freakin HATE CTRL+ALT+DELETE NOW AND FOREVER, so this article rubs my soul the right way.
Anonymous said...
"Hell, go to say, the wikipedia entry for CAD. There is no mention of the criticism of it. It is all very pro-cad."

Shane, let me correct you. None of the "anti-CAD" criticism is notable (no magazines or major publishers published it), so according to Wikipedia rules, that criticism clearly does not belong on Wikipedia.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Notability
Anonymous said...
Michael said: "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Ctrl%2BAlt%2BDel#Critisicm

It is pretty frustrating, guys."

Let me tell you why fighting for your edits is meaningless in this case.

All of the stuff said about the author is unverifiable, as in it cannot be proven with reliable sources (Hence WP:BLP) - Even if it is true, it cannot be posted.

As for other aspects, the people criticizing the comic are not worthy of note (they are not major movie critics, they do not write for major magazines, etc.) - So that is removed too.

Wikipedia is not controlled by the author of CTRL-ALT-DEL - It has its own policies.
Anonymous said...
"John said...

Regarding wikipedia entries.. its nearly impossible to maintain criticism on wikipedia. Believe me, I've tried. I think it's something systemic, rather than reflecting anything particularly about CAD.

Dude, in order for criticism to be posted on Wikipedia, it has to come from an important person (i.e. magazine editor, professional reviewer). Do you want to tilt the article towards an anti-comic POV? (Not happening)
Anonymous said...
Mr. Name posted "Sandman is an idiot because he is complaining about the "reviews" on this site. This is not a review site. It's a humor site,"

Let me correct you, Mr. Name. If this is a humor site, it has to be funny. The flood of swear words and anger does not work. There are some people who can make this work, but I don't see the humor here working.

So, if it is not a review site, and it is not a humor site, what is it?
Anonymous said...
I think this article has just made you become the most hated person on the internet.
Anonymous said...
This is like The Best Page in the Universe Lite. And by Lite I mean terrible. It isn't funny and it is bad at ranting.
Anonymous said...
Buckley's recent comic on the internet and forums is funny considering he makes a living off og it. What a POS.
Anonymous said...
Well.. if its not a review site nor a humor site.. logically it must be a porno site!

Why else would I be here?
Anonymous said...
Wow. What an awful comic and hilarious review. The best part was that your review was so good that it got all five people who like the comment to troll your blog. Well done.
Squigs said...

Raise your hand if you saw this coming.
Anonymous said...
^ Yeah. It'll probably something stupid like a videogame genius baby (hur hur - like the Wintereenmas Messiah) or it'll be like "sorry 'dere, wrong pee, you ain't pregnant" or a shitty attempt at heartfelt drama and the girlfriend has a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Some guy made a pretty good rendition of what goes on in CAD

Video Game Dudes - CAD MOCK
Anonymous said...
Ugg i want my time back reading this shitty review about a shitty webcomic.

To John Solomon: Your reviews are about as funny as a typical CAD comic. CAD is mostly unfunny ...with about 1 out of 10 having some humor in it)

Oh and props to sandman for the intelligent comments. It's sad when the blog owner acts like a combination between a troll and a douche
Anonymous said...
Ok look guys just because Ctrl-Alt-Del has succeeded in the video game webcomic industry doesn't mean you guys can bitch and moan that the comic sucks when it really doesn't. I think you guys are just jealous that both Ctrl-Alt-Del AND Dominic Deegan are very successful webcomics that have come a long way. If you can do so much better I would sincerely love to see it.
Ludwig said...
I read CAD for some years actually, but I stopped when I realised Buckley actually never goes anywhere with his so called "story-line" (same thing that happened to MegaTokyo). Either you make a "Gag a day"-comic or you friggin' finnish it of. I don't want to read a story-based comic for 9000 years.

Also, I realised what a jerk Buckley must be in real life.
Anonymous said...
I enjoy CAD comics, that doesn't make me an idiot, just because some other people can't understand the humor doesn't mean it isn't there. You are entitled to your opinion though, pity it's so misguided.
Yourself and the other posters who break CAD down without a proper reason are very ignorant.
John Solomon said...
No, liking CAD does make you an idiot, you idiot.
Anonymous said...
Im not even going to waste my breath going into a arguement but cad rocks
mime said...
If you like ctrl-alt-delete, then you like watching tim buckley masterbate. Cause that's all CAD is.
Brian said...
To add to the Tim Buckley's Child's Play comment... now he's trying to make Tim Buckley's PAX. Could there be a more blatant way to shout out "I want to be Penny Arcade"?

The real funny thing is that at least Child's Play was a selfless idea for charity, whereas PAX is just masterbation.
Garfunkle said...
As anyone seen the lastest comic? Rip right from LICD's Iron Man arc. Buckley made some shitty excuse about all the comics being drawn last weekend, but LICd does their comics about a month in advance.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Mandrag Ganondorf said...
i couldnt have said it better myself.

amazing read.

i will not bore you with a block of text like B^Uckley, but just wanna say, we all feel the same way.
(all meaning /v/ of 4ch)
Brian K said...
Oh. Wow. I came here looking to read something while I put off an essay, and the comment thread is still going.

Good Lord, people, just move on! Plain, simple, scientific fact: CAD is to humor as bleeding bubos are to a long, fulfilling, happy life.
Anonymous said...
Anyone know that Buckley posed semi-nude for a sexy gamer contest ?


XBox love
Anonymous said...
I want to unsee it.
Brian said...
I recently reviewed the god-awful Penny Arcade game, and then copied and pasted the review into a CAD thread online.

Speaking of that, you should think into reviewing the PA game on here. It would most likely end in hilarity.
Anonymous said...
Haha! You review webcomics.
Anonymous said...
Well... if it had any real people left that enjoyed it... it just lost them.

Anonymous said...
Hey, give the guy some credit--he managed to make a comic without massive walls of text!
Anonymous said...
Huh-oh miscarriage plot aboard but it's for DEEP characterisation! Right?
Anonymous said...
Why is it that, when I read Buckley's "explanation" for the miscarriage, I instantly got flashbacks of Mookie trying to justify rape?

(I hope John hears about this - his reaction would be classic)
Anonymous said...
I love the notion that people might not "get" CAD humor. I was about to say that the jokes are impossible to miss, between the giveaway comic titles, and Buckley's need to "set up" even simple sight gags with like 8 paragraphs of of pointless dialogue you are are inundated with what he wants you to laugh at, but half the time, where a better webcomic might have included a punchline, Buckley just ends with some random act of violence. The ones that do have punchlines are either blatantly cribbed from another comic (and poorly, usually trying to rip of PA) or tepid in that way that family circus is. Sure family circus doesn't have people stabbing each other in the face over scratched videogame discs, but the amount of humor in the gag is the same. You can see it, hanging there, but it might as well not be for all the impact it has. You just think "Yup, that sure is the punchline" (assuming you decide to read all the crap that leads up to it). We "get" the jokes. The jokes just aren't funny. That other people laugh doesn't make them funny either. If I laugh my way through "Hotel Rwanda", that doesn't make it a comedy. If I found a hundred people to laugh at it, that merely means I've found a hundred sociopaths, right? Let this sink in, and realize that Buckley isn't funny either, no matter how many people laugh. "Hotel Rwanda" wasn't trying to be funny, but the the point stands because a work's merits are not created by external reaction to it. Buckley fails at humor. That you enjoy poorly conceived humor has nothing to do with the quality of the comic itself.
Edocsil said...
It amuses me whenever I see someone's opinion interfere with their good sense. I think instead of being an issue of whether CAD is funny, it is instead an issue of "what is humor?" I mean, it has a crazy amount of fans, so it has to be doing SOMETHING right. It doesn't matter the intelligence of the fans or anything like that. Humor has many forms and is not limited to anything really.

This article reads like an angry teen that hasn't found out yet that not everything is concrete when it comes to things like this. The article claims to be asking for some intelligence from CAD, yet fails to show it has any. Since it is a humor blog, it can fit just fine, and people will laugh/not laugh or agree/disagree. Perfectly fine and great. But if it is also being used as a facet to make an actual review, this place fails hard.

I read CAD, and I enjoy it. Mostly to pass time and to see what happens next (I like stories), but it really isn't gut busting humor in my opinion. I get amused at some of the situations and facial expressions, but it rarely has a 'freeeakin awesomeeee' joke in it. But who cares? It is all about entertainment!

To those who complain about the fact that he makes money with it... uh, what? So, I guess all those people that do comics professionally are in the wrong too? In an industry where I bet it is hard to make a living, I applaud him if he has managed to do that. Doing what you love and getting paid for it? Sign me up. Shoot, I wish I could make money off my sub-par comic Septim's Pride (parodies Oblivion). But, I don't know, maybe the fact I mentioned it will get me an article here saying it sucks.
Anonymous said...
I tried to read the commends on this article, and my brain decided that having as stroke was a more dignified way to go. Anyone not familiar with Penny Arcade's Mr. Period would do well to acquaint themselves with him (not to mention is oft-forgotten friend, the comma).

This is addressed at all you buggering twats who have sought some form of eVindication by flaming each other to an extent I sincerely believe is unprecedented. As soon as you acknowledge the following three facts, your lives will be better for it.

1) On the internet, people have the ability to take creations, be they textual, art, or pornography, and publish them for public consumption. If you haven't heard, that's basically ALL the internet is. As everyone has said ability, that puts us all on the same level. Belief that one's ability to post content on the internet is more important than someone else's is one of the least informed stances a person can take, just short of voting a raccoon in as Head of State.

2) Criticisms, opinions, and reviews are by definition INFALLIBLE because they make no claims to fidelity. They are perceptions and interpretations, and while the people who publish them may suffer from their mother being their sister (also known as GameFAQs poster disease), that doesn't make their views any less infallible. This means that flaming someone for having a different opinion and posting it on the internet anywhere that isn't 4chan is a job best left to 12-year-old boys who may one day aspire to be shift manager at McDonalds after they drop out of high school to smoke weed.

3) CAD isn't a terrible comic. A quick perusal of webcomics will prove that there are MANY "comics" that might even be against the Geneva Convention. Is it bursting with biting wit and clever writing? Not in the least. Is it better than Penny Arcade? The two comics are in truth engineered to appeal to two distinctly different mindsets, so that's a moot question. While there are flaws in the comic that some find detracting, the primary qualm most detractors have is with Tim Buckley himself. Issues with the creator and the webcomic must be treated seperately as they are in no manner intertwined.

As far as the case against Tim, there is absolute evidence that he censors all criticism against himself in any mediums he has the ability to. While this has no direct impact on the comic, such actions it make it difficult to respect his work. Did he send "that" picture to a forum girl? I honestly don't know, but it IS documented that he bans users for mentioning it and an inability to even discuss it civilly doesn't speak well to his character.

If it isn't immediately apparent, my stance is that I find Tim's actions deplorable and egotistical, but I will admit that as far as quality of his comic, it's definitely in the top 20% of material found on the internet (take that however you desire).

tl;dr = you're almost all inbred cockmaggots who's ability to form a sensible, impartial argument is hampered by years of drinking "lite" beer, watching daytime TV, being a 13-year-old boy, being American, or any combination thereof.
Elijah said...
If you want to read some of Solomon's thoughts on this subject, he posted a bit about it over on the Webcomics Megathread on SA.

Anonymous said...
I read some of the comments for both sides and wonder: How on earth do you morons manage to breathe?

(Obviously, if you actually feel so insulted by this that you think I am referring to you specifically, it only solidifies the fact that you are indeed a moron.)
Cubear said...
in through one nostril, out the other
Anonymous said...
CAD=Comic Are Dumb

nobody can recover from this ultimate iceburn.
Anonymous said...
Tim Buckley once threatened to sue a 15 year old who made a video based on the plot of about 3 or 4 CAD comics for a school project. I can't find it on Google, unfortunately.
Ryan_Rooker said...
Solomon, your article was fine if a bit unspecific in the reasons why CAD is crap, though it did have a few. I was even able to tolerate some of the more unnecessary harsh words. But I lost all respect for you when you started to respond to comments. When you call a person a idiot you just come off as a massive dick. Usually when you do criticism you follow the 'reasons' method. That is where you say something along the line of "you are a idiot, BECAUSE your behavior resembles that of a 12 year old. You insist that everyone that disagrees with you is a idiot. Now I don't know if you have some beautifully elaborate reason why they are a idiot, but you don't provide one so I am going to assume that is a no." Now do you see what I did there with at because word? Though I disagree with Sandman, and I personally dislike CAD, I still respect the way he delivers his point. With him I can see why he feels that way he does because he comes out and says it, instead of saying "your a fag and CAD rox LOL" which is the equivalent of what I hear you say. You have the right to say whatever the hell you want, but I also have the right to criticizes what you say. I guess you guys have fun with your internet trolling, I have already stated my opinion.
Det said...
Kye Mitchell said...
Trilbydude, currently lmao. said...
XD jesus christ solomon, grow up!

are you actually going to waste your time replying to everything bad people say about you?

most people just wouldn't care so much, but you...

seriously, this is fucking retarded. a guy tries to make a point and instead of acting like an adult you call him an idiot what, 6 times?

at least use a different word, man....
Anonymous said...
Citing "jealousy" is the kiss of death when it comes to rebuttals. "OMG ur just jelus" only works on the playground. CAD is shit. It's not entertaining.
dan said...
I've only read about half of the comments, but let me just say that while Penney Arcade can be kinda dull, it has it's moments. Also, the QUALITY of Penney Arcade is exponetially better than that of Tim Buckley's. The writing is better, and the art is much much better. I've seen Tim Buckley's blog, and I have a feeling he'd have more respect as an artist if he would actually work hard on the comic.
Anonymous said...
CAD sucks.

Penny-Arcade sucks even more.

This abortion of a blog, however, sucks 11 points on a scale of 1 to 10. It actually redefines the term "waste of time". It's so bad, the author actually gained his very own set of CAD/PA junkies a.k.a. followers.

Grats on being terrible, I guess? There are probably over a hundred and fifty THOUSAND words spent on whining spread across the entire blog. As most people have already commented, your unlimited nerd rage and endless bitching makes reading your entries past the first paragraph unbereable.

Please, don't procreate. Ever. This goes to all 4 collaborators of this blog. The dramatic chipmunk is probably more of a man than all four of you combined.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I enjoyed your article very much, and I'm glad people like you exist in the world :)
Anonymous said...
I've always assumed that the point of this blog was to summon a flock of crows for Solomon to murder. (Oh snap, I could write Dominic Deegan!) But it looks like he just moved on to the next review this time. A shame.
Anonymous said...
John Solomon is Charlie Brooker.
Anonymous said...
I know this is old, but being the internet, I feel my voice, like anyone's, should be heard.

I enjoy CAD.

I read it when it updates. Sometimes it makes me laugh, other times, it doesn't. But because you don't enjoy it, and it's successful, is retarded, to say the least.

And as for the "he can't take criticism" arguments, they're his forums, why should he have to put up with that shit?
Anonymous said...
I read some of the comments for both sides and wonder: How on earth do you morons manage to breathe?

God, truer words have never been spoken. Supporter flames flamer for being stupid, which leaves stupid supporter open to being flamed for being stupid by some other stupid flamer, in some horrible internet version of the Three Stooges.

Lord have mercy on their dumb asses...
frank said...
Why have you created a blog that doesn't even review webcomics, only flames them? Do you not realise how few people will take your seemingly biased opinion seriously?

I must admit to finding CAD funny. Ethan is an idiot, Lucas a snide, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes idiotic smart-arse - but that's the point. They are characters easily recogisable. You seem to want deep and meaningful insights from webcomics; that is not what webcomics are for, go read Hamlet or Rime of the Ancient Mariner et al. for that.

Some of what you say is true, but your 'review' is so overpoweringly nauseated by a seemingly odious hate of the reviewed comic in question that nothing but diatribe spills from your mouth/keyboard. If you actually had the ability to balance your own argument, people may take what you say seriously. As it is, you just look - at least to me, and several other poster - to be a jealous little child slinging muck at a comic because it doesn't completely live up to whatever gold standard you set for a comic. It seems to me that you do this because you believe that critiquing everything makes you look smarter. Well, it doesn't.

I apologise if my character summarisation of you os wrong, but that is how you come across in your blog - a petty little diatribic child, especially with your marvellous posts that run along the lines of "you don't agree with me, thus you are an idiot". I like CAD on the whole, but many of the comics ellicit nothing from me, not even a chuckle. Indeed, I cannot stand Chef Brian's inane forced randomness as you say, and I completely agree with your synopsis of that character. However, some people somewhere must find Chef Brian funny, and yet your 'review' pretty much says that anyone who would find such material funny is an idiot. Now, I personally cannot see how someone could find it funny, but I can accept that some people will. Hell, I don't find Penny Arcade funny (on average, a coupe of comics have made me smile), but that doesn't make me think that all people who do find it so should be hit with sticks.

Just open your mind a little when 'reviewing'. Now, if you are not reviewing and you are just flaming comics you do not find funny, which I suspect you are, then disregard this post, because you are obviously not going to actually try and write anything that is even remotely useful or interesting.
Anonymous said...
The last few comments above me or a bunch of fucking morons. Especially that asshole that keeps saying John Solomon is Charlie or something on every article.
Anonymous said...
But...but, why must you flame everything? Why can't we have fair unbiased literary criticism of these stupid fucking webcomics? Boo hoo boo hoo...

You people are idiots. Flaming shit is funny. Flaming shitty shit is funny. A blog that actually gave unbiased reviews of webcomics, calmly laying out the pros and cons, would be boring and stupid as hell.
Anonymous said...
Thank you so much! You have no idea how good it felt to read this! -DD
Drew said...

I'd like to point out that Buckley claims that Chef Brian was fathered by him being drunk. Apparently, he and his buddies were wasted and thought it would be funny.

He woke up the next day and the comics was already half-drawn so he finished it and posted it.

I think that provides insight into the kind of person who would find the character funny.
Anonymous said...
this is brilliant, finally someone has the balls to say something

there was some news a while back about a kid making a music video based around theCAD animated series for a school project and he decided to show tim buckley the great work he had done... in exchange buckley made the kid delete it and went on about how the kid was stealing his creations and what not.... asshole, it was just a kid
rc said...
Dear Mr. Soundsowhoeveryouareidontreallycare!

Your article is amusing, but only if you do consider it as a parody of other bad reviews. So did I. Until I read the comments. I am a gamer and I assume that you will all understand me if I put like this:
wtf? omfg! tits or GTFO!
I discovered CAD just recently due to not living in America and I can understand some of the points you made out. But seriously, does this piece of "work" really satisfy your brain? As an author you have the possibility to write down your own thoughts and share them with other people. And with at least a little amount of self respect you should even be able to give people well reasoned answers to questions referring to whatever your article is about! Or please just think about another way then calling them names. But enough of that!
Liking (not loving) the CAD comics and disagreeing with you I am (at least following your logic)a shit-throwing monkey. So being the monkey that I am I ask you to do one thing. ONE simple thing, that could even be done without insulting me in the funniest ways:
Give me an alternative to CAD that is, in your opinion, better. That is all I want, meatbag. Hey I made an HK-47 reference. Does that make me cheap, hilarious or gay? You decide. I allow you to do so.

I don't know you Mr. Reviewer, but from what I read I can actually see some potential! Not that I want to print any of your statements, but you sure have a gift! The gift of balls! You know what you think and youre not afraid to let anyone know. But there is one flaw in that gift, that many, MANY people share with you: The flaw of not having the ability to actually reason with people.
I will not get into that subject any further because I think you are smart enough to know that already (or some other people might have pointed that out before)but I am asking you to imagine a picture in your head:
A debate between two politicians. One is pro military and the other is con. Pro Politician points out why armies are necessary and why you need to do war. Con Politician asks how he came to that conclusion. Pro Politician says: "You are an idiot."
Guess that says it all.

BY the way: I DO know that I am only fueling the fire and that both sides, or maybe all three of them (CAD haters, CAD protectors and Stupidity haters [which will be found on both sides but share the same interests]) are convinced to be right, but so are iraqis and the occupants (doesn't that word makes you think of eight armed pants? oh, easy joke there! Shoot me multiple times...) Please do not make a political discussion of it, I just used an illustration.

Oh, and just in case that I will be astonished by your answer or just forgetting about this whole thing:
You Sir, are an idiot. (which goes out multiple times to whoever wants to feel offended [I am not giving any reason to that statement too! yay for me!])

rc said...
Well, that last comment by rc was certainly the longest thing ever I'd wished I'd never read.

Thump said...
Here here, buckley can eat a fuckin dick. CtrlAltDel sucks. Hard.
MJ said...
Althugh I disagree with your article, I was enjying reading it until you decided to comment on Bucley's masturbation. Seriously, that's desperate humour and ridicule, not clever. This childish image was enforced by your trolling on your own comments! Solomon, please leave this website alone until you've finished high school, you're article will be much better nce you're more mature!
Ctrl-Alt-Del isn't a one joke per strip sort of comic, but a story that occasionally tells jokes, so of course your random selections don't make sense out of context.
However, I will conceed that Chef Brian is the most useless and cringe-worthy waste of space on the entire internet.
Anonymous said...
See, MJ is a prime example of how even the CAD sycophants are sub-standard - as shitty webcomic sycophants go, of course
Anonymous said...
What you don't seem to realize is that humor is a matter of opinion.

Also I find it kind of strange that you would discribe Lilah as a one-sided character after having unfaviorably compared the comic to Penny Arcade earlier...
Truth said...
hey you forgot to tell the part when buckley exposed himself to a underage chick and went batshit insane

VGMovies said...
Hehe... you made sex references, pointed problems that 99% of webcomics, successful or not, have, and swore a lot. SWEARWORDS. You're like, the entire Monty Python team rolled into one!

On a serious note, I didn't enjoy reading this review. Not because I enjoy CAD (I'm one of those people who can still find the humor in making fun of something he likes), but because... it's a poorly written article. You use proper English, sure, but between the swearing, the pointless points and the desperate attempts at humor that emulate the very comic you're attempting and failing to ridicule effectively... this was a waste of your time. I can only imagine how much time you spent writing this article that could've been spent on something productive.

Your article is bad and you should feel bad.
james said...
Solomon pointed out the lack of variety in facial expressions, body language, panel layout, the lack of interesting and complex storylines that didn't come down to oversimplification, the absolute dearth of subtle humor, the terrible backgrounds, the cookie cutter characters, the absolute lack of realistic social relationships, the mary sue nature of the main character, etc etc

I don't really know how you can say he didn't make any points. he just cussed while he did it, and that is okay.
Anonymous said...
Solomon is a faggot lulz! He is not smart lulz! CAD IS THE BEST ROFL! Solomon should do it like the successful emokids and go kill himself UBER LULZ! Im so witty...
Anonymous said...
Its funny how it works.

You claim to hate CAD but still read each and every comic ever posted on that site.

Thats awesome, in a terrible way.
Dan Genesis said...
Let's see, where to begin? First off, this is the internet. You have your opinions and I have mine. Personally, I enjoy reading CAD, along with other webcomics suck as Queen of Wands, Looking For Group, Questionable Content, and Order of the Stick. I can laugh at a lot of things. Why? Because I'm both easily amused and yet I can also see things beyond what most people will see.

And somehow I know you're going to respond with nothing more than "You're a fucking idiot". I could compare you to Anti-Sonic trolls who go out of their way to comment negatively on YT videos instead of going to something else. It's been brought up that while you hate CAD, you (at the least used to) continually look at the updates. I never got that: If you hate something, why do you keep going back to it? Why do you make a big deal out of it? Why not just hold your tongue and let those of us that enjoy it do just that: enjoy it?

And before you go off and just start randomly calling me an idiot, I'm writing my own story. I'd send it to you, but based on your tone in your "article" (if you want to call it that), and how you respond to people that disagree with you, you'd probably give me increadibly negative feedback because it doesn't match your tastes exactly.

I don't agree with the "You don't agree with me, so therefore you are an idiot" and "You like [insert object of personal disdain], so therefore you are an idiot" viewpoints. However, I have no problem with saying "You instantly attack anyone who doesn't subscribe to your opinions/viewpoints/et al, so therefore you are a dick".

For those of you that side with him: Fine. I don't care either way, it's your opinion, not mine.

For those that disagree with him: Good for you. You have made your opinions known.

Overall, I've seen some pretty maturely presented agruments against you, Solomon, to all of which you either write them off as pointless or attack the poster's intelligence. And your supporters, while also having presented their views in a way in which I can read and consider them in comparison to my own, are not much better. Read the comments and you can find a few people who attack people's intelligence in a similar manner.

I would love to drag this on, but I have work to do. I want to try and finish the remaining six chapters of my book before new years, but knowning my pechant for procrastination, that's probably not going to happen regardless.

Also, you wrote this line:


Yeah, I'd call that a big generalization. Just because two people are dating doesn't mean that they have sex. I went out with two different girls for about a year and a half each, and there was no sex involved.
Anonymous said...
Would that be because you are a eunuch? 13 year old Mormon? Or because you were boning dudes on the side?
Dan Genesis said...
There's more to a relationship than sex. Though I suppose if you had even been in a real, true relationship with someone, you'd know that already.

P.S., though I no longer date either girl, I still keep close contact with both of them.
Anonymous said...
I enjoyed CAD when I first stumbled upon it. Up until recently I have stopped reading it. I have a RSS feed on it, but his updates are fewer now.

I personally have sent Tim two separate emails in the past one asking questions, and another mentioning my web-comic that I have started. No responses from either of them.

That could be a reason why I have lost interest. I have however received responses from SMBC, Questionable Content, and Dueling Analogs. So with this blog I can understand some points you made.

I'd mention the link to my site, but I will admit I copy and paste lol... I'm not an "artist".
Spidey78 said...
Oh dear XKCD another insanely popular webcomic has bad art and lots of text. While I like both web comics I seem to find it odd that many arguments against CAD can also be applied to other, more generally favored webcomics. Also, anyone starting a charity has started a fucking charity. This means they are getting money, not for themselves but for the fucking people who need it. If this gives them an ego boost because they did a good thing then boohoo.

Also, do any of you realize that webcomics are not specifically about gaming? Some of your arguments pertain to there being unfunny non-gaming related material in a few of his story arcs but has it ever occurred to you that it is his webcomic and that perhaps he just feels like putting a bit of story in between his gaming jokes/spoofs?

Also why does everyone think CAD rips off Penny Arcade? Because some of the comics have similar material? Do any of you realize that those comics are made around the same time and will talk about similar things mostly because they are both about the same thing because generally the comics pertaining to gaming are about the same games?

Also about Chef Brian being unfunny simply because of his immense randomness I have only this to give you.
Anonymous said...
I actually used to like CAD, in the early days, but as time wore on, it became... well... steadily "less good"

And more bad.

Much more bad.

To the point where looking at it is physically painful.

The problem is only compounded by the fact that Buckley acts like a complete tosspot most of the time, and can't take any criticism whatsoever.
Anonymous said...

Funny! The exact shame revelation came over me, and I have hated B^U with a passion ever since.
Anonymous said...
"John Solomon is Charlie Brooker"


This is sort of cute though...he so angry!
Angry Hamster said...
It's funny how people expect John Solomon to give a rat's ass about whether or not they think his blog sucks.
Anonymous said...
I'm not a particularly big fan of CAD, not Buckley (I have a tendency to see him as somewhat angry man), however I feel that I'd not be doing my duty as a human being if I didn't take fifteen minutes out of my day to point out a number of logical fallacies which your argument seems to be based upon.
Firstly, CAD's humor has been described as (to paraphrase) panderous, pabulum, and random for randomness' sake. Additionally, you demonstrated for your dear readers that Buckley's tenuous grasp of reality seems to extend to the four panels he pumps out a few times a week. All of this may be true; that CAD's humor is simple and stupid, that Buckley's insertion of himself in to the comic is nothing more than narcissism; but I'm inclined to ask a question of these statements:
So what?
Firstly, merely because one does not appreciate another's attempt at creating something (be it a webcomic, a book, a movie, or even a blog post)does not mean that this creation is inherently bad, and the way I see it, the act of branding something as 'bad' (far be it for you to simply express your dislike for the humor, but it seems you feel the need to go the extra proverbial mile and badmouth fans of the comic as well)is an act of hubristic narcisissm of grossly monumental proportionse. Additionally, you come off as a bit of a hypocrite by condemning Buckley's desire to make his point of view heard (see that Jack Thompson comic)despite the unlikelihood of the person the message is intended for ever receiving it; I draw a stark parallel between Buckley's bitching about Thompson and your bitching about Buckley.
Finally, I'd just like to point out that escapist, random humor does not necessarily mean that it won't make someone laugh. I cite Monty Python's Holy Grail, a film which thrived on over-the-top-ness for review.
In closing, I'll reiterate that I'm no big fan of Buckley or the comic, and am posting to say that bitching about something which is a matter of opinion for any individual partaking of it makes you no better than the legions of tweens posting in Youtube comments trying to decide which emo/death metal/indie rock band sucks:
A pretentious douchebag.
Anonymous said...
@ The guy above me.

Did you just compare Fuckley to Monty Python?

I really, really hope you didn't...
J. Charles Brister said...
Holy christing shit. This comment thread has lasted for over a year and a half.

And CAD sucks balls.
BringBacktheBlog said...
That's pretty sweet. I actually found this blog after it ended, but it was an entertaining, informative read. If Mr. Soloman decided to revive this blog, I wouldn't object. :-)