Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Powerup Comics

Never thought I'd be able to say this, but I found it. Or rather, we found it, for this neverending search for bad webcomics is nothing if not the labors of a community, united in mind and will. What we have found is the worst gaming comic, that puzzling enigma residing in the swamps of DrunkDuck: Powerup Comics, the subject about which these words are written. Though mere words seem insufficient to describe its horrors, as always I shall intrepidly try.

In here friends of originality, that ambrosia sought so desperately on those angry streets at dawn, will find no fellow traveller, for the well-familiar archetypes are established in quick succession from the very first strip. Two comrades, united in their mutual hobby of gaming, a couch that said hobby takes place on, and a talking inanimate object. Soon after is the strawman established, upon whom is pinned the wilted arguments and failed dreams of nemesii imagined, easily dispatched by the self-insert protagonist with gratuitous violence time and again. And the ensemble can't be complete without the sarcastic girl gamer who fails to break the cliché of breaking the cliché of female gamers not being as good (at gaming) as their male counterparts.

Gaming 'humor' in general is a black hole of comedy, and Powerup Comics only reinforces that truth, as it not only has stock gaming webcomic characters but stock gaming webcomic jokes as well. The Wii has poor graphics? How cutting-edge! What's next, Shadow and Chug? Jack Thompson jokes? That's right! Oh and Nintendo must have been on WEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDdd to come up with their crazy game concepts AM I CORRECT IN THIS ASSUMPTION!?? Why don't you fucks eat a bullet of creativity or something, by which I mean kill yourselves, with a bullet that you shoot into your mouth? Die shittingly.

Going further, we can look at Powerup Comics's first attempts at a storyline, which as expected fails to grip the reader, develop the plot, or deliver a satisfying conclusion. Not that much can be expected in the first place, but even the lowest base level of entertainment fails to be reached. Even the simplest applications of the reversal of expectation end up only reinforcing slight clichés and the flat characterizations defined entirely by gaming console preferences. Such is quite typical of Powerup Comics storylines, often recycling themes and ideas tried and failed miserably in other terrible gaming webcomics, essentially performing the role of the bottom feeder in the ecosystem that is webcomics.

Even estimating the number of gaming comic clichés fulfilled by the first few strips alone is a task better left to those of a more numerical persuasion. The blatant use of copy-paste almost reaches self-parody as new characters are assembled from parts cut, pasted, and possibly recolored from old ones. Even new poses are generated this way. This has not escaped the notice of even the DrunkDuck crowd, prompting the expected responses of men so dull in the creative faculties. Truly this, if nothing else, proves the worthiness of Powerup Comics to join the ranks of the comics reviewed on this blog, as it was rejected even by those who would accept comics of the most abysmal quality with their fives. Fives, good sir. Fives gleaming gold in the light of a constant sun.

Really, there seems to be nothing Powerup Comics succeeds at that is in any way related to worth. Through word-of-mouth they have achieved readership, but you, dear reader, should know by now that such a metric is all but useless in assessing quality. But even that readership is illusory, for it seems to consist nearly entirely of people fully aware of the comic's true quality, either expressing their distaste directly or egging on the comic to continue with false praise. There is no other explanation for certain guest comics. And it's understandable, as though the comic has a Cafepress store, without actual fans it will not be a money-making venture anytime soon. Supporting it truly is harmless, as even the lowest echelons of the internet public are loath to flock to it. After all, in a world of absolutely terrible gaming webcomics that have achieved financial success on their own, ironically supporting the one that towers above the rest on that ignoble scale can be downright therapeutic.

But inadvertent entertainment does not excuse Powerup Comics' faults, and nor does it excuse the faults of the creators as their takes on homosexuality, race, politics and history betray a worldview that is supremely ignorant at best.

All in all, I can only wish death on Chug and Shadow. That's right, death, and not the kind of death that leads to the childish hopes promised by religion (by the way I highly doubt that Chug and Shadow possess the intellectual maturity to be logic-choosing Atheists such as myself), but to actual, shitting, death. Because they are simply horrible people, and not just for the comic alone, as mentioned above. What I wouldn't doubt would be that they were libertarians, as libertarianism is the political ideology most suited for spoiled children who feel entitled to things and should also probably die because the world won't miss them. In fact I would have assumed their support of Ron Paul straight-up if it wasn't for that comic about Ron Paul. I wouldn't be surprised if they came out in support of Obama next. They're halfway there, after all, and Obama is the perfect fit for those who love imaginary friends and are twelve years old.

Lastly, just look at the comic's misogyny. Apparently women are simply props to demonstrate the desirability that proficiency in video gaming grants in Shadow and Chug's world. Alix, the only female character, is hardly developed past her gamer-girl sarcasm and inexplicable attraction to Shadow, the self-insert character of Shadow, the primary author. For these additional transgressions they deserve to die, even more than they already do. That's it, I can't go on anymore. This terrible rape-abortion of a comic by these buttshoes has broken me, has broken all of us. It's a fitting coda for this project. The following are my parting words, and possibly the last you will ever hear from us, so heed them well.

Look inside yourself. Ourselves. Let us look inside ourselves and realize that those ultimately at fault for webcomics like Powerup Comics are not people like Shadow and Chug but people like you and me. For we are webcomic readers. Even by simply reading bad webcomics to make fun of them we are webcomic readers. And most of us are not merely readers, for we continue to perpetuate the lie that these bad webcomics we mock aren't the entire medium, and that there are these mythical 'good' webcomics that everyone should support 'instead'. But let me explain this to you: There are no good webcomics. At all. Without exception. By pretending otherwise we give the legitimacy of our tacit assent to a shithole of a medium that shouldn't be in the same language as the word 'art'. Even the best webcomic and the best webcomic blog (this one) is naught but Powerup Comics translated - a shallow reflection of a culture, tepid and utterly empty, contributing absolutely nothing of its own. The only difference is the culture itself, which we cannot pretend is any better than 'gaming culture', as this culture stoops to using webcomics to express itself of all fucking things. Know that this is the absolute truth, and there is no denying it.

So we realize that there is only one course of action left to us, and that is to wash our hands completely of this particular sphere of the internet. Delete your bookmarks of webcomics and anything related to webcomics such as forums, podcasts, and blogs. Yes, even this blog, for after today there will be no new updates. We hope you join us in leaving this wretched world of online sequential art behind and look forward to the new day tomorrow when we all will webcomic no more. Free at last, we webcomic no more.


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Baron said...
i bet you think a urinal is art, don't you you gay queer
Anonymous said...
Dude, PUC is a joke comic. Shame on you for not realizing it :(
Anonymous said...
Holy shit, that is the worst webcomic I've ever seen. I feel like I'm gonna be sick. It's racism, homophobia and sickening bias glued together and rolled through a pile of horse shit. Good job on tearing this worthless comic to shreds, Tim.
Anonymous said...
Baron said...
Anon 10.20, of course they realize. What day is it, dude?
Anonymous said...
I just remembered, Baron. I now feel stupid.
Fernaske said...
I wonder how many idiots won't realize that this whole post is an April Fools joke.
Anonymous said...
Hai guys.

Whenever my dad falls asleep me and my sister turn on a porno to turn him on in his sleep, we then jack him off and we keep the cum in a garbage bag. We've been saving up for the last 2 and a half years and the garbage bag is completly full. I'm taking it to the sperm bank tommarow.

TL;DR: how much will i get at the sperm bank for a garbage bag full of cum?

Thanks in advance.
Chris said...
I realised the "we're quitting" bit was an April's Fools, but is this entire comic? (Well, it's presumably been running since before today, so I guess I mean "is it just a joke?") I want to believe so. It's not the vilest thing displayed on this blog (*that* dubious honour should probably go to Shredded Moose), but definitely the dumbest and shittiest. Just reading the strips linked made me lose my will to live. The overuse of copy-paste and complete suckiness of the "art" on the one hand, the ingenuous racism and moronic "jokes" on the other... TINY NAPOLEON?

If this were a fanfic, I'd call troll on it.
Chris said...
I forgot to say, this comic makes Buckley look like the genius he thinks he is.
Anonymous said...
I can't believe I bought this for a while, and only after finished reading did I realize what day is it, talk about slow, durr.

Then again, knowing how these guys roll, I wouldn't be too surprised if they actually would stop updating the blog now, pulling some kind of a double-fools on everyone who thinks they aren't going to quit. With the hiatus and the decreasing amount of updates after it ended, I actually wasn't too surprised to read the end of the post.
Hope it won't happen anytime soon though, this blog is very entertaining.
Anonymous said...
Hey johnboy, I have noticed you have reviewed a few keenspace comics as of late, wouldn't it be easier to just say keenspace is bad and it should feel bad? There are two webcomic collectives really deserving of the YWIBAYSFB treatment though, Bombshelter comics (it has cartridge comics) and gamers pair of dice (it has hookie dookie panic as well as dueling analogs)
Anonymous said...
If PUC is a joke comic, it's indistinguishable from the gamer comics it supposedly makes fun of. I'm reminded of all the people who defend Frank Miller's All-Star Batman and Robin with "Don't you see? It's a parody," despite the fact that nothing in the series itself, nor any of DC's marketing, indicates that Miller is being anything but serious in "reimagining" Batman as a misanthropic, violent asshole who, come to think of it, would fit this webcomic well.
Anonymous said...
"Itz not a joooooke stop defending it"


The truth is out there.
Anonymous said...
I see what you did there.
Anonymous said...
Gaaaaaah my eyes.

Why did I read the comic, why, god why, it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO horrible.

ShadowGamer said...
Yeah well f*ck you. You can say that our comic is bad, but the numbers don't lie. I receive more than a hundred emails a week. I don't know if you can even count that high, so let me just tell you that that is a lot of emails and I don't need some no-talent jackass like you telling me that nobody likes my comic.

If you want to criticize my comic so much, then why don't you tell us what your real name is. Or are you afraid of the violence that me and my fans would cause? Oh wait...You don't have the balls to tell us who you really are...

Have fun with your little gay orgy of hate you homo.
Anonymous said...
I wonder if that really is shadow, or some shill? Either way, I'm not certain if he is serious or a parody... if its serious, its hilariously retarded. If its a parody of internet hate, its still kinda retarded but somewhat funny. The thing about parodying internet hate is that no one can tell because most of the internet is made of morons.
Splinter said...
Boy am I glad I dont go on the internet till after noon, this is the second time I WOULD have been caught :o
Malethoth K. said...
How dare you besmirch the good name of Powerup Comics >:[
Anonymous said...
I was ready to come barging in here to explain how the creator of PUC is just an elaborate troll, until I remembered what day it was. Kudos, it really is a much better joke than if you were to do a comic that's actually good to make people rage. Although once you know that PUC is made to be awful, it becomes pretty hilarious.
Anonymous said...
Shadow has trolling down to a science. And to go so far as to make a store, with a Shadow thong, I idolize this man.
Anonymous said...
Ho ho, April Fool's indeed, Mr. David!
Patrick said...
Good thing some of you guys pointed out it was the first of April, otherwise I'd have screwed up and complained about the random attack on religion and Obama.
Jackel said...
Obvious joke comic is obvious. Obvious April Fools post is obvious.
Ginger Mayerson www.hackenblog.com said...
I almost felt bad about your retirement, but then I looked at the date and decided to take a wait and see approach.

Leave webcomics? You can never leave webcomics, that's like trying to leave a chromosome or Hotel California or something.
Peter said...
everybody who fell for this post should be KILLED

especially the people who dared talk bad about my beloved powerup comics in earnest, you bastards!
Namiya said...
Leave webcomics? You can never leave webcomics, that's like trying to leave a chromosome or Hotel California or something

Fuck Hotel California. Seriously.
Zachary Cross said...
Excellent. Simply excellent work, Ted. I had almost believed your final assertion of closing the blog.

Then I scrolled upwards and remembered the date. Happy April Fool's day to you too.

As for this horrific comic, it simply remains as proof that no matter how awful your work is, you will still find a market for it. And that most if not all authors are freaking delusional.
Ginger Mayerson www.hackenblog.com said...
Fuck Hotel California. Seriously.

If that's the best you can do, dear, then by all means go right ahead.
Kanazuchi said...
If you want to criticize my comic so much, then why don't you tell us what your real name is. Or are you afraid of the violence that me and my fans would cause? Oh wait...You don't have the balls to tell us who you really are...

Hey John? I've got JDR holding on line one, should I give her your personal information?
Anonymous said...
Also, note that Shadow (yeah, his real name, I'm sure) apparently regards "homo" as the worst insult in the World.

What a sad, cowardly little dickweed he must be. And badly in denial. Get into a buckin' threesome with Brew and Trip, Shadow - you'll all feel so much more honest.

- Ken Shinn
Malcolm said...
Okay, this is kind of awesome.

People taking this post seriously in any context: check your computer's date and time.


Anyone want to join me in counting down to when everyone who attacked the comic going 'Well, my comment was just an April Fool's joke too. Fag.'
Anonymous said...
I like it. I was half hoping for april fools John would claim he was doing megatokyo and pull a Dresdan Codak review and piss around for a dozen paragraphs without actually saying anything and everyone would be all "WTF!"
Anonymous said...

Artstsym said...
What amazes me is the sheer obliviousness of whoever made this. In his forum beneath the comic (a horrible idea in and of itself), he's got at least 8 people each strip who tell him the cold hard facts about this shit. And yet he thinks he's gods gift to the gaming community, and the internet in general. This comic needs to go die in a fire.

And fuck you PU, the Wii is awesome.
Anonymous said...
Well played, Ted.
Artstsym said...

I have seen the light, obviously Powerup Comics is the greatest invention ever and I will take back my ways of sarcasm and wholeheartedly devote my life to it's continuation.[/sarcasm]

Also, what exactly is a "Fugo Fucko Fish Somolom"? I've never heard of that species before.
Franz Schubert said...
Oh man, did I laugh my arse off at this one. For those of you unsure if either this review or the comic itself is a joke... well, I'm feeling merciful enough to let you know where it all started. Just don't spoil it for the idiot commenters on DrunkDuck, because half the fun of it all comes from the people who think Powerup Comics is serious.
bar1scorpio said...

2007 to 2008? This is a long time to just troll...

OTOH - Note how Shadow looks like a player 2 palette-swap of Brew from Shredded Moose. And the whole 'arms continuously crossed thing, wasn't that the complaint for another comic with fairy tale girl characters?

And the Shadow poster actually gives youit all in 1 post. Threat fans are legion, popularity = quality (try convincing a music fan of that... in fact, wasn't that the entire point of at least one Kids in the Hall sketch?), tell us your real name, threats of violence, you're a homo-


I mean that's just... masterful. I need some Ice Creams. Please wait here whilst I go buy some.
Anonymous said...

Your German is atrocious.
Thing in the Coat said...
Why couldn't the people who realized the joke have just sat back and let it run its course? Now the comments section is effectively hamstrung, since the number of people going "Oh my God, this comic is TERRIBLE, my brain has been sullied!" has been cut down right out of the gate.

Of course, there's still a few people who haven't caught on. God bless their little hearts, every one of them.
Anonymous said...
Right, so it's blatantly obvious that this is a deliberately bad comic.

The sad thing is, I'm pretty sure there are people out there who aren't in on the joke, but STILL think it's a good comic. That's sad... and hilarious. But mostly sad.
Anonymous said...
Also, FUCK YOU to the guy who linked to the actual Truth and Beauty Bombs thread. You ruined the joke! It's like seeing the magician take off his coat and just have a shitload of cards and pigeons fall out of his sleeve...
Namiya said...
If that's the best you can do, dear, then by all means go right ahead.

No, you don't understand. They must pay! Those evil, pandering assholes must pay! Please don't sass me! For the sass is the bane of this poor schlob's mind.

Don Henley(and Glenn Frey, to a lesser degree) must be excised of this plane of existance. For now I can only hope...
Dan said...
I would relate the linking to the truth and beauty thread as revealing a magicians tricks. Its more like when you try to explain a joke or a story to someone. And your laughing your ass off trying to get the words out but when you finished all you notice is the bewildered look on the other person's face. Then you have to end it with "You had to be there" to cover up just how unfunny it really is.
april fools day suxxorz said...
fuck april fools day, april is a gay homo month and whoever came up with april fools day shuld tell me his real name so i can kill him in his sleep. wheres YOUR webcomic you fucking april-fools-day-creating faggot ass? if u could make a webcomic yurself u wuldnt need to make up gay cock-slurping holidaz like this one
Anonymous said...
Powerup sucks to be sure, but reading this review made me feel dizzy.
Where you drunk when you wrote this?
Andrew said...
Actually seeing how the magic trick works would be awesome.

Linking the thread was more like saying "Snape killed Dumbeldore" on the day that the book first came out.
Michael said...
Fake or real, y'know what this reminds me of? Those old Marvel cartoons from the '60s that were just static shots from the comics, where the figures occasionally "moved" like they were flaps in a pop-up-book.
Anonymous said...
I hate PUC, but I think its a little weird, you call the writers of the comic insensitive to races, and sexual orientations..but then you show your own insensitivity to Christians by more or less saying they are dumb. Someone is a hypocrite.
Matthias said...
The 8th Paragraph is basically saying APRIL FOOLS!!!
Karley said...
Scoot is snarking Buckley for April 1st you guys.


Isn't that just precious?
Anonymous said...
I'm still laughing at all the people who think both this comic and this post about it are legit.
Josh said...
I admit that I thought this was serious. however, I still say this says more about webcomics than it does about my own gullibility.
Malethoth K. said...

Man, they're BOTH terrible.
Artstsym said...
Wait a minute, they actually took the time to make a fuckload of bad webcomics? That's effort. Fooled me.

Also, now I have to change my opinion. PUC roxors. Like Sora and Riku and- no, it's still a piece of shit. But an intentional piece of shit, so I'm almost ok with it.
Anonymous said...
thats one huge april fools joke of a novella. jesus
Franz Schubert said...
Eh, I probably should have waited at least a day or two before I even considered revealing the comic's origins. Maybe a week? Maybe never? Sorry for ruining a joke before it got a chance to really balloon into hilarity... I just kind of lost my patience for idiocy today after about four rickrolls too many.
Anonymous said...
What I wouldn't doubt would be that they were libertarians, as libertarianism is the political ideology most suited for spoiled children who feel entitled to things and should also probably die because the world won't miss them.

LOL, wut? You've got your political stereotypes confused.

Liberal ideology is the one that supports entitlements, it's why it supports wealth redistribution at the hands of a governmental body. It's the one for spoiled kids who think sipping lattes in cafes while writing angry letters to newspapers is "helping others."

Libertarianism is the "leave me the fuck alone" ideology. It's subscribed to by various survival crazies, like the Unabomber.
Anonymous said...
Wow, this joke has been in the making for a long time. PUC was first made only a few days after YWiBaYSFB went on hiatus--it's clearly a joke.
Anonymous said...
This review singlehandedly makes up for all the really stupid things that all the other websites did for April fools day, even Consumerist's transformation into the Conglomerist, and XKCD redirecting everyone to Questionable Content.
Anonymous said...
Anyone want to join me in counting down to when everyone who attacked the comic going 'Well, my comment was just an April Fool's joke too. Fag.'

Yeah, it makes me wonder about any of these posts now: I can't tell who is going along with saying the comic "shite", and those who actually think it's a serious attempt. Like that one guy said, it kinda goes against webcomics more than a person's gulliability...

But, right now, most of these people are really coming off as no better than the commentors on Drunk Duck... and if something on DrunkDuck was able to illicit so much negative feedback, it must be doing something incredibly right, since look at the shit there that goes rows and rows with fives.

And hey, how do I know who on DrunkDuck is just playing, and who's an actual idiot? Also, to the guys who think this a lot of effort put into a comic, with it's crudely and purposely cut and pasted, and horrendous dialogue... just how much thought really does need to go into that?


Wonder if any one of these guys (Elders of Zion) can bare to read "Charby, the Vampirate?"

It might just spark some fantard-rage, and OH GOD, I really miss that part of this blog.
Anonymous said...
"by the way I highly doubt that Chug and Shadow possess the intellectual maturity to be logic-choosing Atheists such as myself"

Lol. Atheism.
Anonymous said...
It might just spark some fantard-rage, and OH GOD, I really miss that part of this blog.

Me too. I know the Elders hate it when people urge them to review specific comics. Still, in February John said he was turning the comments back on because "I need to know why you people shit your pants when I say bad things about bad webcomics." And that ain't happening.

But--and hear me out, on the off chance any of you Elders are following the comments--what if this blog were to take on Questionable Content, one of the most hugely popular webcomics for some time, and with a fanbase just full of jerkasses who hyper-analyze and argue over every panel of every strip? Not to mention that Jeph Jacques throws a hissy fit and locks threads whenever someone says something non-PC.

So, again at the risk of pissing off the Elders...do a Questionable Content post and you'll have your fanboys whining here within minutes of posting.
Francisco said...
Hahahahaha you don't get it and wrote a bunch of words about it.
John Solomon said...
way to make me feel that comments aren't worth having on, you guys
Ted David said...
i dunno john they're pretty entertaining to me in that existentially horrifying way
Anonymous said...
Okay, I have to get my OCD out of the way here: it's "nemeses", not "nemesii". Sorry. Carry on.
Anonymous said...
So wait, John & Co.: do you lot want to "study" fanboy reactions to your posts, or do you just want comments that agree with you? (I recall your saying many times that you're just as disgusted by the suck-ups as you are by the webcomic fanboys.)

If you really are trying to, as you put it, "study" the reactions of crazy fanboys, then maybe you might possibly perhaps (is that non-demanding enough for you?) consider reviewing bad webcomics that people actually read in large numbers?

If not, then maybe you might possibly perhaps, bow bow scrape scrape, just turn off the comments again so you lot can talk amongst yourselves?

It's just...there's not much point having comments if we're all agreeing with each other and sucking each other's wangs, y'know? I know I'm not the only one who misses the old pre-hiatus days with all the retards coming on here and trying pathetically to make you see why their beloved webcomics are the greatest thing since Shakespeare. Come on, it was entertaining. I know, you'll say "But some of them were trying to find out my real name so they could kill me." So what? There's No. Way. In. Hell. anyone could find out who any of you really are. None.

So man up (and woman up, in Lilith's case) and make up your minds already as to whether you want to see the funny, entertaining fanboy retards, or a boring "yes sir, yes ma'am" circle-jerk, or an even more boring set of posts without any feedback.
Ted David said...
Anonymous said...
Great comeback, Ted. What a zinger. I'll bet you put lots of thought into that.
Jacob Ezra said...
Yeah, I gotta agree with the most recent Anonymous. What happened to the YWiBsters who weren't afraid to take on the webcomic behemoths like PvP, Sluggy Freelance and CfRH, knowing they'd get a tidalwave of A BLOO BLOO BLOO and _doing it anyway_. Now you're just doing smallfry chickenshit webcomics no one reads.

Do Questionable Content.

dylan said...
Even though it's April 2 now, I should have looked at the date of the post.

So yes, you had me going for quite a bit there.
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I gotta agree with the most recent Anonymous. What happened to the YWiBsters who weren't afraid to take on the webcomic behemoths like PvP, Sluggy Freelance and CfRH, knowing they'd get a tidalwave of A BLOO BLOO BLOO and _doing it anyway_.

I don't think they're, you know, afraid, per se. Enraged fanboy comments are hardly scary from any perspective. It's just that, well... how many more "big" webcomics are there? You have to pad them out with small fry, or you'll just blow the whole load at once and end up tapering off.
Namiya said...
It's just that, well... how many more "big" webcomics are there? You have to pad them out with small fry, or you'll just blow the whole load at once and end up tapering off.

- Overcompensating
- Applegeeks
- Megatokyo (I know, it's been done, but still)
- Wasted Talent
- Little Gamers
- Real Life (I think there's two web-comics called like this, but focus on the one Greg Dean shits out).

And those are just the ones I remember pre-coffee madness.
Lowell said...
Brilliant! Tired cliché April Internet fools joke miked with tired cliché ironic spoof webcomic. There are so many subtle high-brow layers to this blog entry I might have an aneurysm and end up hosting a radio show on NPR. Good show sirrah. I shall forward my golden manbabies to you posthaste.
avisfortuna said...
what is this nonsense

powerup comics is the finest piece of literate on the internets and i will not hear your slander you lying liars
Anonymous said...
- Overcompensating
- Applegeeks
- Megatokyo (I know, it's been done, but still)
- Wasted Talent
- Little Gamers
- Real Life (I think there's two web-comics called like this, but focus on the one Greg Dean shits out)."

God, I must be really out of the webcomic loop after all. Out of those, I've never even heard of Little Gamers, Applegeeks, and Overcompensating, and I didn't know Wasted Talent was considered "big."

Perhaps I stand corrected on my padding-out comment, then. Although, out of those, which do you think would garner the most nerd rage for our viewing pleasure?
Anonymous said...
Not including Megatokyo, suffice it to say.
Anonymous said...
Yup. Spoiled brats love libertarianism, because it forces them to work for what they want, leave others alone, and is against the culture of entitlement.

Oh, wait.
Anonymous said...
Yeah I really miss the site's glory days. I hate to say it but the hiatus really killed YWiB. The articles haven't been as good as before and the people who used to be the butt of the joke don't give a shit. We've slowly devolved into the new butt of the joke. :/

I'm gonna remove YWiB from my RSS, I'm done. Have fun guys.
Anonymous said...
I know who Ted David really is.

And next time I hear your voice trapped in the noisy box, I will blast it to bits.

Anonymous said...
It seems too easy to tear down this webcomic. They're just kids who have no talent. I much prefer when you take people off their high horses.
Anonymous said...
By the way, I read that Mr. Cartidge Comic Guy is going to start a new comic soon. He siad it on the Webcomic List Forum. This may mean that Cartridge Comics is ending. I don't know.
Anonymous said...
Yup. Spoiled brats love libertarianism, because it forces them to work for what they want, leave others alone, and is against the culture of entitlement.

Oh, wait.

I thought that was conservatism? Fuck, I just can't tell anymore.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
fuck april fools day, april is a gay homo month and whoever came up with april fools day shuld tell me his real name so i can kill him in his sleep.

Unfortunately, he's dead. The thing was started because April was originally the first month of the year. Then the Julian calendar came out, making January the first month, so anybody who was stupid enough to go to New Year's celebrations in April rather than in January were called "April Fools".

Or that's the rumor, anyway. On Powerup, funny story, funny comic, but I thought it was a bit light on vitriol. It just felt so easygoing, like Ted was going, "meh I know this is a joke, it's April Fools Day, but I know it's a joke and I don't really want to cause any trouble so I'm going to make it sound wordy and pretentious."

Hate to say it, but that's how I saw it. It just didn't sound angry enough to really piss people off.
Robert Kelly said...
I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats.

Chalk Ted David up next to Lilith in the "Better than John Solomon" camp.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
Also, other than the critique:

I thought that was conservatism? Fuck, I just can't tell anymore.

Traditionally, there are four separate "sectors" of political viewpoint. They go:

Liberal: Regulate economics, don't regulate individual rights

Conservative: Don't regulate economics, regulate individual rights

Libertarian: Don't regulate economics, don't regulate individual rights

Communitarian: Regulate economics, regulate individual rights
Steve said...
I invite people to correct me, but I'm pretty sure Libertarianism is about (almost) complete personal freedom. They would have a government who would look after major laws like say a health system that is equal for everyone and a police force while everyone would be free to look after their own personal interests.

Like say they could start thier own business and treat workers like shit and the Government wouldn't be able to intervene because the workers haven't said anything.

Of course the workers haven't said anything because they are afraid of losing their income for their families who they need to support. Inother words Libertarianism is Capitalism without responsibility.

'nuff said.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
I invite people to correct me, but I'm pretty sure Libertarianism is about (almost) complete personal freedom.

Karley said...
Yup. Spoiled brats love libertarianism, because it forces them to work for what they want, leave others alone, and is against the culture of entitlement.

All the libertarians I've ever met were self-absorbed, creepily racist/misogynistic, asshole white kids who only succeeded as much as they had due to the fact that they were born in a wealthy family.

Pulling themselves from their bootstraps, my ass. Leave others alone, my ass- Ron Paul's platform anyone?

They're young Republicans who want to smoke pot and bang liberal chicks. That's all.
Anonymous said...
Karley, that's the best description of Libertarianism I've ever heard.
Simon said...
There are two problems when parody is indistinguishable from the stuff it's mocking.

First: it becomes one more artificial divide between the awesome people in the know and the poor outcasts who "don't get it." But the outcasts who don't get it become a bigger group every day, and before you know it the parody gets taken seriously as a prime example of what it was originally mocking. That kinda sucks.

Second: Parody that close to the mark implies that the satirist knows his or her craft very well . . . and is choosing to hide among the dross with an ironic smirk, rather than produce a sterling example of something good. That also kinda sucks.

Which is why (as I've stated before) I can't stand the Arfenhouse cartoons. Watching artists waste their potential isn't really something I enjoy.
Anonymous said...
The moment I read Ted's comments on Libertarianism, I just knew where this comments section would inevitably spiral off into.
Anonymous said...
Wow, Karley! You're a fucking tool.

Libertarians do not want socialize medicine (that's liberals). Republicans want to force their religious beliefs upon people, Libertarians don't. Democrats want to classify people based on their race, gender or sexual orientation, Libertarians believe that people are people and should be treated equally as such. It's not a hippie or radical view, it's more of an anti-micromanagement stance. Do you like being micromanaged at work? Then why the hell do you want the government to do it?

As far as Karley goes, my guess is Karley is a hardcore socialist Democrat. The extent of his/her/it's opinions come from what someone else's regurgitated rhetoric (probably a celebrity). Probably has a crappy job flipping burgers and feels that someone else who worked harder that they did doesn't deserve what they earned or in Karley's mind "stole". Can't take responsibility for it's own failures so blames others for it's mistakes. Of course Karley won't admit to this because it goes against the core nature of his/her/it's personality.

Way to go Karley! You make everyone you come in contact with just a little more ignorant.
Anonymous said...
Yep. A deep spiral it is.
Ted David said...
yeah that was a mistake. i thought i would catch an equal number of people with the obama line and it would even out but guess not. for or against it, the internet is OBSESSED with libertarianism. who the fuck cares you pathetic nerds.
Karley said...
for or against it, the internet is OBSESSED with libertarianism. who the fuck cares you pathetic nerds.

The internet is the only place where the philosophy is anywhere close to relevant. Throw 'em a bone man. Let us have our fun.
Anonymous said...
Fuck this off-topic political discussion shit and let's get back to the matter of doing Questionable Content or anything with lots and lots of rabid fanboys.

If you're just gonna review chickenshit no one cares about, then you might as well shut down this blog now and go back to saying "blah blah gently caress blah blah poo poo" on the Something Awful forums.

Who's with me here?
jo said...
I'm with you Anon 19:08! I wanna see these muthas tear Jeph Jacques a new one.
Anonymous said...
Questionable Content has rabid fanboys? I dunno, my own mental image of the average QC fan is some emo kid who just keeps his hands in his pockets and sighs to himself if he ever reads anything derogatory about his favorite comic, not really a rabid pitbull type.

Then again, I haven't really seen anyone (other than viewers of this blog) say that QC is anything other than solid gold, so I wouldn't really know. It gets so much love and it's so boring. I just don't understand.

And Anon 16:08: You're pretty much saying exactly what us Republican and Democrat readers would expect a young, dumb Libertarian trust fund baby to say. Not really helping your case there.
Karley said...
Penny and Aggie has some pretty rabid fans. They're the very definition of over-analyzing; and the guy who does Something Positive alluded to mass psychosis when he dared to do guest strips for it.

Speaking of Something Positive - I hate this comic solely on art and layout alone. Usually I'm always capable of ignoring bad art to get to the text; but his style gives me headaches. Literal headaches.
Anonymous said...
Penny and Aggie?! What the hell is there to analyze about it; it's fucking Archie with more sex. If it seems like anything is going on under the surface, it's only because T. Campbell can't write a coherent plot to save his life.
Karley said...
Indeed, check out the forums over there.

In one comic a character offers her daughter pizza; the thread on the comic goes on for seven pages dissecting this piece of information.
tehkou said...
yeah that was a mistake. i thought i would catch an equal number of people with the obama line and it would even out but guess not. for or against it, the internet is OBSESSED with libertarianism. who the fuck cares you pathetic nerds.

Ted, I think it's because Obama supporters are as a whole still pretty confident in their decision. Especially since he's still the favorite to take the nomination.

Libertarians, on the other hand, are really, really desperate to get someone to give a shit about them, as evidenced by the commenting here. A job well done!
Anonymous said...
Anon 16:08- Way to be the biggest fucking hypocrite in the room. First you say that people are people and should be treated that way, and then imediately procede to verbally treating Karley like dirt because- God forbid- she has previously had negative experiences with members of the libertarian party, and drew conclusions about the party in general based on said experiences. Doubtlessly, you have just confirmed her assumptions about Libertarians with your smug, asshole post. So congratulations! Here's a trophy shaped like Ron Paul.
Anonymous said...
In one comic a character offers her daughter pizza; the thread on the comic goes on for seven pages dissecting this piece of information.

Indeed they do... they're FICTIONAL CHARACTERS YOU SAD PATHETIC WASTES OF SPERM *bashes face repeatedly into sheet rock*... ahem. You're certainly right about the overanalysis there.
Karley said...
Anon 22:49 - I especially like all the "he/her/it"s that litter his post. He's either a sheltered idiot not to know what gender "Karley" is, or just refers to me as an "it" since I'm not a Rand-worshiping goon and thus not worthy of personhood. Or both. None of those options help his case.

I'd add more, but I need to flip burgers and bitterly plot against my betters.
avisfortuna said...
As much as I like Penny and Aggie, if you want to kick a hornet's nest of a fanbase, that's the way to go. I make sure to stop at the forums in between updates just to bask in the sheer, condensed lol of the over-analysis and batshittery.
Anonymous said...
MY political philosophy can beat YOUR political philosophies any day of the week, guys.

It works out everyday.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
Hey Solomon, I'm lookin' at this forum and I'm thinking that it's kinda winding down, so I figure I'd might as well be an asshole and suggest a webcomic for you to review like the other retards have.


I did a review of it, but still interesting for a Take Two. It's got oodles of slobbering fanboys on StumbleUpon that bitched at me when I gave it a thumbs-down. One especially named Annath seemed quite butthurt at my commentary. That said, I didn't get a landslide of hatemail, so it might just be a Boston and Shaun-style trainwreck.

Good luck to you, and Lilith and Ted and Mike. I think you're doing pretty good, even if you've lost a bit of your momentum.
Karley said...
Facebook group for YWIBAYSFB!


Knock yourself out, folks. Fill it to the brim with delicious foamy shit!
Hugh Manatee said...
Yeah, it makes me wonder about any of these posts now: I can't tell who is going along with saying the comic "shite", and those who actually think it's a serious attempt. Like that one guy said, it kinda goes against webcomics more than a person's gulliability...

Two reviews ago, people were encouraging unfunny trolls to make joke posts while legitimate points that were brought up and were actually worth discussing went completely ignored. This is only the natural result of that. Sorry, but the comments section has completely ruined the enjoyability of this site for me.

A friend once told me to never put comments on my site because when you're trying to get a point across to your audience with a review (or other article), you want the last impression to leave them with to BE your review, not the "LOL" that comes after it.
Scotty said...
Hey Solomon, I'm lookin' at this forum and I'm thinking that it's kinda winding down, so I figure I'd might as well be an asshole and suggest a webcomic for you to review like the other retards have.


I love how the main character falls for the girl (... tiger/girl...) within such a short time of meeting her.
Anonymous said...
I don't know, it takes kind of a quiet desperation to keep a webcomic for the sole purpose of making others look bad. A blog is one thing, but this is a little extreme. I think the parody is just as bad as that which it is parodying.
Anonymous said...
Hey, screw you. There are a few good webcomics, like PBF, Gone with The Blastwave and occasionally xkcd.
And Electric retard, haha, oh wow, Electric Retard.

Anyway, Powerup Comics is a parody by one of the chans if I'm not mistaken, so you're just making a fool out of yourself here.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
I love how the main character falls for the girl (... tiger/girl...) within such a short time of meeting her.

I like how the creator's DeviantArt is filled with nothing but naked pictures of the main characters.

TwoKinds is like Megatokyo for furries, but with better art. It's nothing more than a pretentious wish-fullfillment webcomic wherein the lead character hates tiger-girls, then winds up falling in love with one and having sex with her, and every storyline includes at least one "Oh I'm so naked" scene where the tiger-girl's or the wolf-girl's or the rat-guy's nudity is the subject of everything that's going on. Fischbach says the comic's supposed to be about racial discrimination, but the animal characters go into heat, die in their twenties (humans=into their forties or higher) and allude to sex constantly.

But Fischbach won't show his animals' private parts, even when he's drawing cheesecake. Like MT, he's a perv but he refuses to acknowledge it. People tell him he's drawing porn, he laughs. He calls himself an "anime artist" when he draws furries into every scene of this comic. And when he draws characters for furry comics that part is just glossed over. The sad part of it is that Fischbach can actually draw to some extent, even if he's horribly generic, yet the vast majority of people will never read the comic because it's constant sex is so effing creepy.

I know I've probably written enough, but I can't help but laugh at this last bit. Recently, the furry comic by Jay Naylor, Better Days, had a scene where a Jewish stripper's ass was in the first panel of the strip, and his junk was out (duh). That was November 27, 2007.

On December 8, same year, Fischbach drew this. I defy you to find the difference excepting that one looks better and Fischbach didn't even draw junk on the poor guy.
Scotty said...
Well, yeah... theres that too...

...But everyone knew that...
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
You have a point there, Scotty.
AJ said...
HAHAHAHA!! When I saw the Truth and Beauty Bombs forum, I nearly laughed my ass off. I may have a Drunk Duck account, but I want to see this go on for much longer. This is truly priceless.
Hostile said...
The best bit is how their arms are always crossed.

So obviously a trollfest.
Chris said...
More references to bad webcomics that I've found in this (the crossed arms/cut&paste of Cheshire Crossing and the lame jabs at religion from Ctrl+Alt+Del already having been pointed out):

The "punchline" repeatedly being that the Gary Stu shoots a guy for disagreeing with him: Weird Comix

The Bush caricature and hamfisted "political commentary": Minimum Security

The story suddenly turning into angst for no reason: too many to mention, but primarily Shortpacked
Anonymous said...
once again Shadow PWNS all that oppose him!
Eirikr said...
Yep, read Shadow's comment. As you all know, the perfect way to start a reasonable argument is with the phrase "F*ck you." How did he even find this place to begin with? The only logical reason I can come up with is that he's the kind of asshole who googles his name every day to see if anyone cares about him. Yes, his comic does get pageviews as he said, but in the author's OWN POST he said pageviews have dick to do with quality. As someone who actually posts on DrunkDuck, you can understand me when I say that users hate this comic so much, that admins have threatened to temp-ban anyone who tries to start a flame war over it, which is almost everyone.

Also, as a final tidbit, judging from the lack of maturity and the fact that his character's name is from sonic the hedgehog, I'm gonna guess he's about 13 years old. That's not an insult on 13 year olds, just a lament that they have to be saddled with people like this.
Crobby Bosby said...
To me, the funniest thing about PUC is the way people react to it. Note how many people in this very comments section don't bother to read enough previous comments to understand what's going on, or don't understand irony in general.
Anonymous said...
Wow, Eirikr, you really fail. Hard. Your failure makes me lol. I think I might just rupture something.
Boneman said...
Either Eirikr is the dullest knife in the entire internet drawer or he's just ascended to some hitherto unknown heights of troll-dom.
Boneman said...
...and after visiting his webcomic, I'm inclined to believe it's the former.
Boneman said...
Damn, fucked up the link back there:

Try this one.
Boneman said...
Christ, again? How do I keep doing that? Here:


I'm done now.
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
ErikR, if you value your penis and your sense of self-esteem, you will stop posting NOW.

Seriously, dude, they've found your webcomic, it looks terrible, there is no turning back now. Run the fuck away.
Malethoth K. said...
The link worked for me the first two times.
Anonymous said...
I love blogging so much! I just farted!
Anonymous said...
I think you guys have forgotten the true purpose of the comments. Watching crazy fanboys insult John Salmon and 'omg John I luvvv ur writing' fanboys begging him to do Megatokyo.

Political stance: Darwinism.
Anonymous said...
lol nice april fools faget
Anonymous said...
Ted David, you are a disgrace to the ideology of the great John Solomon. You have found a webcomic and presented actual reasons as to why it should not exist. How dare you defile this blog with your actual intelligence!

(In defence of the comic, however, the stereotype is that the average girl is bad at video games. Thusly, actual gamer girls who spend more time gaming are usually quite good)
Anon 01:26 said...
Just to be clear I was asking Ted David to come over and fill me up.
Anonymous said...
^ Seriously Ted why aren't you over here fucking me right now. I have decided to give you my flower. I have lost 20 pounds in the last six months so the doctor says I'm just morbidly obese now. Please Ted the special bond that connects us through your webcomic reviews cannot be denied.

I cannot send pics until I buy a wide angle lens on Friday, but trust me our bond transcends the physical. Please Ted I have gelatin and many flavours of lube. If you close your eyes it will just be like fucking a beanbag chair.

Yours expectantly,
Anon 01:26.
Anonymous said...

I am disturbed beyond reason
Namiya said...
Anon 01:26

Oh, god. This cannot end well...
don't be an idiot said...
Dude, posting people's phone numbers without their permission isn't cool. It's also against the law. Are you trying to get this blog shut down?
Anon 01:26 said...
That's not me with the phone number. If I didn't have this blog I'd probably start eating the stuff I find under the couch cushions again.

I'm waiting Ted.
Sheeper said...
The phone number was just a rickroll hotline. Cool your jets, people.
Sheeper said...
It was just "Shadow" saying, "Shad here. Spill it, Queero" and then it went immediately into a rickroll.
Anonymous said...
The comicker's response!
Anon 01:26 said...
Do these artists even realize that their "response" is really just proving this blog right? Retorting by calling your critic fat really isn't really effective (Speaking as someone who is apparently a fat woman, I feel justified in saying this)

Really, Ted David, you can do better than this blog. Go out and become a real reviewer.

Anon 01:26
Anon 01:26 said...
Also have sex with me.
Anonymous said...
You know who would make a really good YWiB subject?

I know the guy is a goon, so they might buy him some mercy, but Scott R. is also a goon so I figure no harm in suggesting this piece of shit webcomic.

To show what a piece of shit this comic is, go to his main page. The comic up right now is a fucking terrible scatological joke. Hell, the one before it is a shit joke too. I tell you this because I want to understand how fucking terrible his archives is, when I tell you it is actually worse.

Here you can see him try and fail at political humor. I am hesitant to say "try" as it is clear he didn't put any effort into this at all. On top of the joke falling flat his character's are completely dull in lifeless from their blank stares to their grins that are ranked as high as Tim Buckley on the shit eating scale.

This guy just says "Sausage" that's so hilariously random.

Hooray shitty meta humor.

Best of all the artist is a self absorbed twat who named one of his characters after himself. He is notorious for shitting himself whenever someone complains about him so we might get some entertainment out of the the dumb bastard.
Anonymous said...
Please disable the comments.
ay, non-imus said...
Or at least purge all the creepy stalker comments.
Anonymous said...
wow, i just went through part of hockey zombie's archives and i had to stop it was so terrible. please do hz it belongs in the ywib glory days with power chord, shredded moose and hookie dookie panic
Anonymous said...
If you guys seriously think this blog would attack a comic by an active goon like crun I want some of what you're smoking.
YHWH said...
1. And the LORD spake unto the Elders of Zion, saying,
2. Ye shall review the following:
- Something Positive
- Questionable Content
- Penny and Aggie (or anything by T "Pretentious Shit" Campbell)
- Least I Could Do
3. Take heed this day, lest ye review yet another boring obscure webcomic about which no one careth. 4. For on the day ye review yet another boring obscure webcomic, I shall make ye into furry transgender fratboy gamers with cravings for ice creams.
5. And ye shall cry out for sweet sweet death, but I shall heed ye not.
6. But if ye hearken unto my voice, saith the LORD, I shall deliver the shitty webcartoonists and their fanboys into your hands, that they be cut off from their kin, and there shall be naught but quality webcomics.
7. I shall greatly multiply your Gunnerkrigg Courts and your Achewoods and your Templar, Arizonas.
8. And all the world shall rejoice in the glory of those who can write and draw worth a fuck. I the LORD am your God.
Anonymous said...
And Anon spoke upon YHWH:

1. The Elders of Zion are not your personal entertainment monkeys. Do not command them to write you more masturbation material.

2. Templar, Arizona is boring shit.

3. So is Gunnerkrigg Court.

4. You are not God.

5. Spake? Don't rip quotes out of the Book of Mormon, twit.
John Solomon said...
Please disable the comments.

No way this shit is hilarious.
Anonymous said...
I browsed through power up comics and ...wow. I was shocked that any one could willingly put out something so amatureish. Every thing about it sucks so much that it almost feels like a satire of bad gaming web comics- not that the creator of this shitpile is capable of doing anything that smart.

And speaking of the creator, when reading P U C i couldnt help but feel the need to beat the shit out of him for being such a slimey, untalented little cunt.

Im glad im not alone in my loathing for this peice of shit of a webcomic. Good call, guys.
YHWH said...
You are not God.

D-uhhh, really? Like I seriously thought I was. Anonymous 08:38, meet Sense of Humour. Sense of Humour, meet Anonymous 08:38.

Sheesh. Mind you, anyone who thinks Gunnerkrigg Court is "boring shit"...well, what can I say?

Now go join the other sinners in the lake of fire.
YHWH said...
And oh yeah, your attempt at copying the format of my post FAILS because as anyone who's actually literate could tell, I wasn't merely making a list, but mimicking the verse-by-verse format of the King James Version.

Thus spake YHWH. That's right, "spake."
Anonymous said...
Anonymous 13:23, read the fucking comments. For the love of all things holy and unholy, the number of retards posting idiotic comments in here just makes me want to retch. PUC IS a fucking satire comic, Ted David knew this, this review was an April Fools prank.

You fail hard, and I hope when you read this, if you read this, you feel suitably retarded.
Anonymous said...
I am a regular reader of Deegan; I am writing a sci-fi/fantasy novel and I read Deegan to keep myself aware, always, of how goddamned easy it is to fall into mindnumbing cliche in that genre. I read Deegan to know what NOT to do.

PUC is fuckin' hilarious. I didn't know this existed until this blog entry, and I was LMAO at the comic after 10 pages. I haven't laughed like this in months. The comments for each comic are awesome. You have to read the comments to appreciate this fully. EPIC WIN to the fuckers responsible for PUC.
Anonymous said...
@If you guys seriously think this blog would attack a comic by an active goon like crun I want some of what you're smoking.

Which totally sucks cause Hockey Zombie has the potential to be one of the best reviews on the site. I mean look at it, everything about it is complete shit. I think people general know it is shit so we wouldn't get the great fan reaction trying to defend him, but he is a loud twat so maybe he'd show up on the comments to make a more of a bitch out of himself then he already is.
Anonymous said...
This guy writes Hockey Zombie and wants the traffic
Namiya said...
So, /b/ exists outside of that maggot infested shithole...

... good to know!
Anonymous said...
@This guy writes Hockey Zombie and wants the traffic

Having seen his comic and read his posts on msg boards, I don't think Crun has the basic intelligence needed for reverse psychology.
Nuke said...
Correct me if I'm wrong but, is this the first time someone has mentioned LICD on the messages since the Elders returned?
Because if it is than I would like to congradulate whwh onbreaking what was a nice three month streak of people not bitching about LICD.
Anonymous said...
Nuke -- Before anyone even brought it up in the comments, there was a four-month streak without anyone mentioning LICD. Sorry you're so butthurt about your favowite widdle comic in the whole wide wowld.
Anonymous said...
I'd checked out Hockey Zombie before and left, unimpressed, within seconds. With all this talk of it coming up again, I thought I'd give it a more thorough look. ...I had absolutely no idea.

What the Jesus fucking Christ is:-

I kept wishing that this stuff was satirical, but it really, really isn't, is it?

The only thing of any value that I've so far found in HZ was in the creator's comment to this awful strip here:-

Probably old news to most of you, but for those (like me) who didn't know... Apparently, Scott Kurtz doesn't like Achewood and thinks that its fans only pretend to enjoy it in order to seem intellectual. I mean, there's nothing wrong with not liking Achewood - I'm not particularly into it myself - but when you put it like THAT (and, for bonus points, are also Scott Kurtz)... Well, "lol" is all I can say. I think it's all that needs to be said, really.
Anonymous said...
I'm Sick of people standing up for PUC because it's a satire comic. That's no good reason to eat up bandwidth and clog the tubes with pointless shit. Yahtzee Croshaw said it best, "Any artist who sacrifices the fun to make an artistic point is obviously stuck so far up his own arse that he is in danger of choking on his own head." It's pretentious and annoying and doesn't actually "solve" anything.
Scotty said...
To anonymous 19:34 about satires.

What the hell is wrong with making a satire or parody? So what if it doesn't make any difference, it's fun to read the comments of the people who think it's real.

Plus, some really great works have been satires, as an example I point you towards Mel Brooks.
Baron said...
fuck off 19:34

as one of the dudes making powerup, i can assure you we are not sacrificing any fun at all

sorry we're not "solving" anything by making a stupid parody comic
Former Fan said...
"Hey Zeke, is this here th' YWISBAYSFB blog?"


"Seems mighty quiet, don't it Zeke?"

"A-yup, Amos. Reckon they ain't updated in nigh on ten days, an' that last was a fake update there."

"Land o' Goshen, Zeke, ya can actu'lly hear the crickets chirpin'. An' was that a tumbleweed just blew on by?"

"Reckon it was, Amos."

"Zeke, why you think them Elders o' Zion fellers ain't reviewed anythin' interestin' in a long while?"

"I dunnno, Amos. If'n I had t' guess, I'd say they was scared out o' their britches."

"Scared, Zeke?"

"A-yup. See, it don't ruffle nobody's feathers when th' Elders trash fake webcomics like PUC, or real comics whut no one reads like that there Zap! an' such. But take on a Gawd-danged-to-hell comic like Questionable Content or Somethin' Positive with thousands o' readers givin' donations an' buyin' tee-shirts an' all, an' th' fanboys come a chargin' in here like bulls on locoweed."

"An' ya think th' Elders cain't handle that, Zeke?"

"I know they cain't, Amos. Once't, afore th' hiatus, they could, takin' on PvP an' Sluggy Freelance an' College Roomies from Hell. But now they's all lily-livered an' won't review anythin' but th' tiny critters."

"Land sakes alive, Zeke? Whut you think made them all yeller-bellied like that?"

"Reckon I dunno, Amos. All I knows is, ain't no point readin' this blog no more. I's takin' it off my RSS feed an' tellin' all mah friends not t' read it neither."

"Golly gee, Zeke. I guess that means this blog fails an' th' bad webcomics win, dunnit?"

"Reckon it does, unless th' Elders grow some cahones an' make YWIBAYSFB whut it once't was. All it'd take'd be a little effort. I mean, they gots, whut, four bloggers? Surely they cain't all be 'too busy' at the same time, y'hear?"

"A-yup...Oh look, danged if it ain't another tumbleweed."
Anonymous said...
Shut the fuck up Former Fan. The Elders of Zion are TOTALLY THE BEST and I'll keep reading YWB no matter what they post. In fact I think they should ONLY review tiny Drunk Duck or Comic Genesis-hosted webcomics from now on just to spite fucking twats like you.

The New Adventures of Street Rat
Jumbo Shrimp
Players Comic
ZAHIRA - Prostitute Kills Customers in Bed

So FUCK Former Fan and YHWH and do those kinds of webcomics instead!

John, Ted, Mike and Lilith you guys are DA BEST!
Lupe/The Luigiian said...
Reckon it does, unless th' Elders grow some cahones an' make YWIBAYSFB whut it once't was.

That's cojones.

I think they should ONLY review tiny Drunk Duck or Comic Genesis-hosted webcomics from now on just to spite fucking twats like you.

Ahahaha. You forgot to call him "retard faggot", Anonymous. If you're going for the Stupid Comment Standard, you gotta try harder man.

Yep, we have some really smart Internet commentary here. I don't think I'm going to come back for more, at least for a little while.

Sorry to leave all the lulzy fun John. Your Broken Mirror review was good, though, I gotta admit. Good luck when you get to Megatokyo.
Anonymous said...
What the hell is wrong with making a satire or parody? So what if it doesn't make any difference, it's fun to read the comments of the people who think it's real.

Translation: It's fun to look at people not getting a joke that isn't funny or obvious unless you're told it's a joke so that you can get a momentary self-esteem high before you go back to trolling on 4Chan.

And also, Mel Brooks was funny because his movies had actual jokes, not because "HAHA, he copy-pastes a lot! That's something other cartoonists do! But he's doing it on purpose! HAHA!

Bolt said...
Well, you see...

It's just that...

The humor is...


Okay, you've got me here. That is a crappy comic. =/
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Maybe they'll review a comic if I suggest one to them? Because that had always worked before, you know the way they read the comments and then do whatever anonymous fanboys demand from them. Do Questionabe Content plzzz. Lk I no itd be funny, de fanz r soooo retarded!!!1!

Guess which blog has retarded fans?
QC, S*P, LICD, Penny & Aggie *now* said...
If they want people other than themselves to keep reading their blog they'll eventually give in to what their readers are clearly saying they want.

Otherwise the four of them would just be engaging in a self-indulgent circle-jerk.

So tell me, who would be the retarded ones then? (No, the answer is not "me." Ha ha, pre-empted you.)
Namiya said...
@ 15:45

But doesn't that constitute the belief in some huge, unwarranted self-importance? I mean come on, I'm sure we can have, you know, a decent read with whatever they review, right?


Oh, wait...
disregard that I suck cocks said...
Do they make money from you reading this shit?

Oh, I guess not. Then they don't owe you anything.
Anonymous said...
And neither do you owe them your loyalty if they fail at updating and, even when they do update write shit.
Boneman said...
"Do they make money from you reading this shit?

Oh, I guess not. Then they don't owe you anything."

Isn't that on the Bingo Board?

Dear God, what have we become!?
Franz Schubert said...
All we need is someone to ask "Where's YOUR webcomic?" and I think we'll have a full Bingo board. So... where's YOUR comic, Ted? Think YOU could possibly do better than PUC? Don't you know how hard it is to be an artist of that caliber, with all that copying and pasting? You could get RSI from that, you know! They're risking their very wrists for the sake of their art, how can you just sit up there on your high horse writing snarky comments...

Okay, I don't really know where I was going with that, so I'm done here. Seriously, though... whatever happened to our ability to laugh at the fact that horrible shit exists on the web, rather than get seriously angry? It seems like the tone of the comments in this blog has shifted from Encyclopedia Dramatica-type mockery to un-ironic calls for creators to quit and comics to be banned from the internet. For a post written on April Fools' Day, even.

TL;DR: Have fun mocking bad comics, dammit. When you're as serious about opposing a comic as the artist is about making it, it's you who has the greater need of a reality check. I'm just saying.
Namiya said...
It went right down the drain, right along with any clever "your mom" jokes(not sure on the latter, but dammit, did we tried our best!). Only hyperbole is left.

On the other hand, though: Hyperbole. Isn't that funnier? Truly a clash of the titans, in my humble opinion.
Boneman said...
Franz Schubert
"Have fun mocking bad comics, dammit. When you're as serious about opposing a comic as the artist is about making it, it's you who has the greater need of a reality check."

Tell it like it is, Schubert!

"Only hyperbole is left."

I'm pretty sure "Your mom" jokes are a form of hyperbole. Unless your mom really IS so fat she fell into the Grand Canyon and got stuck, in which case it's no longer a joke, but a fact.

Which only makes it funnier.
Anon 01:26 said...
Hmm, slow update schedule, raving fanbase, unshakable feeling of superiority...

Holy shit, the Elders of Zion are turning into webcomic artists!
Anonymous said...
Oh boy. Shadow and Chug just don't know when to quit...

Scotty said...
Translation: It's fun to look at people not getting a joke that isn't funny or obvious unless you're told it's a joke so that you can get a momentary self-esteem high before you go back to trolling on 4Chan.

And also, Mel Brooks was funny because his movies had actual jokes, not because "HAHA, he copy-pastes a lot! That's something other cartoonists do! But he's doing it on purpose! HAHA!


How the hell isn't Powerup Comics an obvious satire? Only uneducated retards like yourself (I can make hasty generalizations too) wouldn't be able to understand that.

Also, about the usefulness of satires from before; Perhaps Mel Brooks wasn't the best example, but satires are perfectly valid literary devices to oppose or challenge a subject. Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal is an excellent example of this.
Malethoth K. said...
It's not satire unless you namedrop Swift.
Anonymous said...
Don't you know he's maddox? He just updated his other page.
Anonymous said...
I love playing YWiBaYSFB meta-bingo.
Anonymous said...
Josh Lesnick is Maddox?
Boneman said...
John Solomon is Josh Lesnick is Maddox is Yahtsee.

There is only one man on the entire internet who ever criticizes anything.
Anonymous said...
There is only one man on the entire internet who ever criticises anything: Bobby Tangents.

The authors of this blog could learn a lot from him.
From the depths of Webcomicdom I summon thee said...
I know how to get some webcomics drama going here. Watch me now:

Marry Me by Bobby Crosby is an implausible, badly-written piece of shit. And Bobby Crosby is so batshit insane, even towards his own fans, his brother and mother had to pay him to keep him off the Keenspot forums. That's right folks, BOBBY CROSBY.

There, that should do it. He's always Googling his name to see who's "lying" about him, so he'll be here faster than you can say "I'm a ditsy pop star who marries random people and drinks blood!"
From the depths of Webcomicdom I summon thee said...
Hmm...maybe if I add a referral link or four, that'll get Bobby Crosby over here:

Pupkin It's like Ziggy, only it's about a nameless "round orange dog," and every bit as witty and original as it sounds.

+EV It's like a gaming comic, only it's about online poker! And it's every bit as incomprehensible, random and generally crapful as your average gaming comic.

Last BloodAn "online graphic novel" (how about just "webcomic," Bobby?) about vampires. It's supposedly been optioned for a movie. Well, if it's possible to make bad films out of good comics, then surely...? Not likely.

Marry Me Ditsy pop star marries random person in her audience, flees to Africa, drinks blood. That's right, drinks blood. Out of nowhere, in a romantic comedy. Oh, and her biggest fan is a quirky lesbian, another oh-so-original webcomic idea. Hawt!

There, that should do it. Come, O Paranoid One! Come to YWB and defend yourself once more against "liars"...all six billion of them.
Crobby Bosby said...
Bobby Crosby is kind of boring, really. If you say anything at all about him or any of his comics, he calls you a "fucking moron" and accuses you of lying. Then, if you keep talking to him, he does the same thing in slightly different words. Eventually, he seems to get bored and leave the forum that summoned him. That's it. He doesn't really have rabid fans to defend him, because he's an asshole to his own readers as much as anyone else, and it seems difficult to get him particularly riled up, because he's already about as paranoid as a man can be.

Still, I'm as ready as anyone to jump into a flamewar with him, because nothing is more rewarding than taunting the mentally handicapped. Come on, Bobert, we linked to your comic, come and tell us what liars we are.
Jacob Ezra said...
Aw man, this place can't even get a rise out of Bobby Crosby?

That's it. This blog has become irrelevant. And no, it's not just because the writers are slow to update and choose boring targets when they do. It's that no one in Webcomicland cares about it anymore.

So now, neither do I. Cheers, all.
John Solomon said...
Since when have the faggots in the comments section been the ones behind this blog?

As untalented as Bobby Crosby is, I think he's at least smart enough to realise there's a difference between some random jackoff's comment and an actual post on the site. They're clearly labelled, for one.