Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dominic Durgan

I'm in something of a unique position to talk about this next webcomic, since I made it. It's Dominic Durgan, a short-lived parody that existed for one glorious boring afternoon and then I stopped caring. While we wait for people to stop shitting their pants in astonishment that I'm actually reviewing it, let's have a little backstory! Not often we get to see into the actual origin of a bad webcomic, after all.

One afternoon, an afternoon before the boring afternoon I mentioned, I was posting. Posting on the Internet, if you'll believe that. I'm sure you all know of my grandiose loathing for bad webcomics by now, and Dominic Deegan was currently in my sights that day. To illustrate how the piss-poor drama merely relied on overdone sentiment and fuckloads of crying in the rain, I chose a recent-ish strip and redid the dialogue to draw attention to the fact that, yes, everyone was just crying in the rain. Someone replied with "You should do more" and that boring afternoon I saw that reply and thought "Why the fuck not? Got nothing better to do today."

The basic idea was to reverse Deegan. Dominic would be, instead of a grumpy genius who made good friends, an overzealous moron who everyone hated. Everything else more or less fell into place. The entire lot of dialogue was written on the fly as I erased the text from the original images, and the whole lot took me a few hours, not counting snacks and frequent breaks. Yes, I seriously had nothing better to do with my time that day. Yes, I should have spent my time doing something else. What's done is done, let's move on.

I hope all those people who were shitting their pants are back now, in time to realise that this update will be the excuse they need to jizz themselves with righteous fury that I am a hypocrite who cannot judge his own stuff. Well, even though I am a hypocrite, I'm not going to give you that satisfaction. Dominic Durgan is a fucking lousy webcomic with terrible art (hur hur hur) and lame writing.

As I mentioned before, all dialogue was written as I went along. I didn't even check past strips, I just winged it. That is a fucking terrible way to write a webcomic. It's inexcusable even for a shitty parody. There's no cohesion, no structure. If you're trying to tell a story - even a story comprised of jokes about homosexuality and racism - you have to have continuity. Doing without it results in crap. Look at Countdown from DC - you've got "lmao piper iz gayyyy" all the time and it also has no continuity and, let's face it, it's probably worse than Dominic Durgan. Better art, though.

Plotting out the structure of your narrative - again, even a joke narrative - is not an option. I know that so many people out there seem to assume that thousands of years of human storytelling experience doesn't apply to their God-given talents, but no: structure that shit. Being "artistic" doesn't mean you can be haphazard. Build your webcomic out of bricks or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll fuck your shit up.

Yes, I know this. No, I didn't do it for Dominic Durgan. I was bored, not serious, lazy and generally not treating the webcomic like anything but a massive joke. On Terracciano. That doesn't suddenly and magically make it a good webcomic. Just because I know what I should do doesn't mean I automatically crap out gold bricks and sunshine lollipops. The best intentions cannot save a poor narrative from being a poor narrative, nor can fancy art, which Durgan doesn't have anyway. So it's a terrible webcomic.

The entire premise is pretty bad. It's based around the fact that you've read Dominic Deegan and so you can appreciate that the main character's traits, such as his unending goodwill to all men and Godlike intelligence, are reversed and mocked. Ha ha, balls to that. This is flawed as fuck. Firstly, anyone who's actually managed to read Dominic Deegan is either a fan or not wanting to look at it ever again. While webcomic fans do have no taste whatsoever, they are also all fucking insane, so their ability to clap like seals for anything with panels and text is not going to let them take a mockery of one of their favourites all too well. So this means anyone who can understand the attempted humour behind Durgan is either going to hate the art because it's reminding them of Dominic Deegan, or they'll hate the writing because it's not the emotionally charged, award-winning skaldic epic that is the soapbox-ranting, cliché-ridden, orc-raping mess from Terracciano's head. Either way, you're out of a fucking audience, and webcomics are supposed to have audiences. Fiction is produced to be viewed, fuck anyone who says different.

Secondly, if you haven't read Dominic Deegan, it just reads like a fucking terrible animu-art webcomic with a fucking abysmal storyline and an overdose of gay jokes. I really can't explain the attraction with that. It's almost like an primal urge. Erase the text of a webcomic and start putting in new stuff - you will be inexorably drawn to making them talk about something filthy or crude.

But again, primal law or not, a bad webcomic is a bad webcomic. A foundation of pop culture references and mocking the mawkish sentiment of Dominic Deegan is seriously house-of-straw level webcomickery. Even Penny Arcade, the webcomic that people love to hate for no real reason, has a better foundation than "game references and mocking games". I know, you're vomiting with rage over that statement. But it's true. A lot of PA's humour comes from the two principle characters, Gabe and Tycho (known to certain parts of the Internet as Pig-faced and Bald). That's why it succeeds where its derivatives - such as CAD - fail so miserably.

In CAD, the main characters are simple one-word archetypes that are so simple they're not even proper archetypes. They're just "Manchild" and "Girl" and "Fat". In PA, the characters have a greater depth to them. Not phenomenal depth, but enough to bring about recurring jokes and instances of character humour. Character humour, for all those webcomic creators out there, is when the character is funny because of his regular behaviour. If you can't understand how CAD doesn't do that, I pity you. Oh, I so pity you. Because you're dumb as fuck.

Still, Durgan doesn't really do that. In fact, Durgan has around the same level of characterisation as Deegan. Which is to say, slim to none. Everyone's a walking one-dimensional mouthpiece for quick lines, and only the barest micron of depth tainting the way they speak. It would be a waste of time to put any more effort into a mockery of Dominic Deegan, but guess what? That's right, it doesn't change the fact the webcomic is bad. Even though I'm in a unique position to explain why it is bad on a level that no other review prior to this one (or after it) will have, I'm still going to keep saying that it's bad. Because it is. And maybe some of you will pay some fucking attention to the fact that nothing is sacred as far as I'm concerned. Bad is bad, regardless of who is responsible.

So why did I, a man who is so fiercely critical of his own work that he has literally burnt it on occasion, make a bad webcomic? The answer is that there is a distinction between a real work of fiction and just "something on the Internet" in terms of effort and pride. Except, no. There really isn't. When you create something anywhere, in any medium, you should treat it all the same. Perhaps this means I am just as guilty as the person who thinks that Magical MSPaint Catgirl is "good enough for the Internet" but at least I fucking cop to it. Not to mention that I have repaid the debt by putting something that's actually good on the Internet - and before you start, I do not mean this blog.

Bad webcomics can come into existence from anywhere and anyone. No one is exempt, but the circumstances change. Sometimes people can put their whole heart and soul into a webcomic and it'll be the worst fucking thing in existence. Sometimes people with talent can knock some shit off in a day and it'll be fucking awful. I'm not looking for excuses, for extenuating circumstances. I'm looking at bad webcomics and I'm saying this shit is bad. It's not subjective, it's scarcely even opinion. Bad fiction will always be bad fiction, in any medium. Making a fucking comic on the Internet isn't the paddling pool, people - you will be grilled mercilessly for it as much as you would be for anything else. If not by me than by any of the others on this blog, or any number of people with the common fucking sense to tell you that your shit stinks.

People have told me before that Dominic Durgan is bad. Yes, it is. It is bad. It is very bad. Not only because it relies on Deegan's art, but because it's a waste of space I put next to no effort into. It might not be on the same level as many of the other webcomics I've reviewed, but it's still bad. What else can I say? I made something bad, I accept that it's bad and I'm now telling you all in no uncertain terms why it's bad.

Essentially, Durgan has so many flaws it is constructed from those flaws. It has a terrible plot that is derived from a haphazard attempt to invert a pre-existing terrible plot, executed in a single day and by fuckin' God it shows. The art is Deegan snoutface, no need to explain how fucking awful that shit is - a more decent parody would have used original art and a more general dig at Deegan's many failings, but I don't think it's really worth it just to make fun of Dominic Deegan. All bland fantasy webcomics, perhaps, but not Deegan on its own.

John Solomon, your webcomic is bad and you should feel bad. I object! What? Though my webcomic is bad, I do not have to feel bad! On what grounds? I am accepting of its badness, but I am also responsible for greater and better things! Denied! Screw you! Screw me, you mean. What? This is too confusing, I'm ending the review. No, don'


Tom said...
Richard said...
Plotting out the structure of your narrative ... is not an option. Honestly, I'm normally not this anal I swear, but I think your intent here would be a lot clearer if you had said "is not optional" instead of "is not an option". Sorry, it just wrankled, you know? Great piece otherwise.
Robert said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Having read Durgan, why did you ever quit. It is way better than your blog.
john said...
knowing that is it is bad does not mean that you should not feel bad.
Anonymous said...
HOW DARE YOU. DURGAN IS THE BESTEST COMIC EVAR1!1! IF this so-called John Solomon were here, he'd be very mad at all the mean things you've said about his LIFE:S WORK that ALL love so much. If you're such a great webcomic master, like you claim John Solomon isn't, then lets see you make one, Mr. Solomon.! Poopy-head.
Jeff said...
Wall of text! Kill it! Kill it!
Jeff said...
Also: "Doctor Who" is the name of the series. The character is just the Doctor. However, Durgan's status as a Time Lord is not entirely out of the question, as he was somehow able to make jokes about Rose Tyler in 2002 despite the fact that Rose didn't appear on the show until 2005.
Dan said...
If you really wanted to parody Dominic Deegan, you'd need to put up another post about how this review made you cry.
glyph said...
John Sololame, you must be 12 if you think this is a legitimate critique of your webcomic, rather than just trolling. It's just as well you admit you're a hypocrite, as you're wrong because you're wrong. I mean, Dominic Durgan isn't bad. Your writing isn't poorly thought-out; it's a style. The font choice doesn't matter, because you can't be objective about font choice. You whining, attention-seeking coward, where's your webc--er, never mind. As I was saying, Maddox, you're biased because you secretly like Dominic Durgan. You're just jealous of yourself, and if you don't like it, you shouldn't read it. (And which webcomics do you like, anyway?) But then, your review is obviously a parody because it's full of swears and it's not constructive. Oh, and you Elders of Zion obviously are teh ghey and suck each other's cocks. Even Lilith's, because she's really a man.
Anonymous said...
My god, he's finally snapped.
Anonymous said...
Though my webcomic is bad, I do not have to feel bad! Wrong. You are not a special snowflake, Solomon, and for leaving your fetid cuntrag of a webcomic on the internet EVEN AFTER realizing it was means you deserve to feel as bad as anyone else who's done the same. Why the fuck didn't you just purge this turd from the internet years ago? Especially if it was really done in 2003! I suppose Anonymous would have found out and used it as "hurr hurr he can dish it out but he can't take it!!!!" trolling fuel—but you'd have done a service to yourself and to everyone who was subjected to Durgan in the past comments sections...
Susan said...
Yeah, it's bad, but I still love it. Mainly because they're all morons, and I love laughing at morons. And subversion.
Christopher Bird said...
Erase the text of a webcomic and start putting in new stuff - you will be inexorably drawn to making them talk about something filthy or crude. Oh, trust me, it's not just webcomics. I speak from experience here when I say there is nothing as sublime as making Iron Man talk like a horny sailor. (It just doesn't work for Spider-Man, though. Go figure.) As for Dominic Durgan, I read through it once without ever having read Dominic Deegan, and I can say that it's not as bad as you claim. The fish gags actually work in your version, if nothing else.
Anonymous said...
Dominic Durgan isn't bad!! John Salmon, you big jerk!! Actually, I find it amusing you are the one who did Dominic Durgan... I actually found it funnier than the original dominic deegan... which I couldn't read past the first 5 strips.
Jeff said...
Why the fuck didn't you just purge this turd from the internet years ago? Especially if it was really done in 2003! It references Rose Tyler, therefore it couldn't have been made until at least 2005.
Seris said...
why the fuck don't you update that comic anymore you faggot, I don't care how shitty you think it is or how much dick you suck in your free time, you can still suck dick and make more shit comics for me to laugh at GOD i hate you john
Anonymous said...
It references Rose Tyler, therefore it couldn't have been made until at least 2005. Serves me right for skimming the comments. Still, that doesn't explain why it hasn't disappeared into the internet ether by now. I first found it when the link appeared on girly, ages ago. (And couldn't make it through more than two strips even then...)
oxxidation said...
and then the internet ate itself the end
McLev said...
Anonymous said...
This is the ouroboros of blog posts. I commend you.
Anonymous said...
Oh shi--!
Anonymous said...
I first found it when the link appeared on girly, ages ago. Ah ha! Even more proof that John Salosolame is really Josh Lesmaddox!
Nyarlathotep said...
Today has been a whirlwind of emotions for me. First, I find out that Sonic the Hedgehog is going to be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Now I find out that John Solomon, in fact, has a webcomic, and that it is bad. Is the Internet going to die??
Anonymous said...
Okay in the meantime Scott Waaaamoosiar has this to say about your blog...
zee said...
From the previous comments thread: Far be it from me to uphold LICD as great webcomic literature (it ain't) ...but 'admire'? Rayne? The guy is part extremely lucky idiot, part misogynistic asshole, and I thought most of the point of the strip was to laugh AT the dumb shit he does. Oh, you are absofuckinglutely meant to admire and sympathize with him. Rayne is every fat, smelly nerd's fantasy version of themselves: his chiseled physique, massive endowment and fabulous wealth make him irresistible to the laydeez, but look! He still loves Star Wars and X-Men! He's just a big kid at heart! It's wish-fulfillment bullcrap of the least subtle variety. And here's the other thing: you, the reader might find Rayne to be an utter ass and thus deserving of scorn (and I agree), but the strip's creator clearly does not share this view: Rayne is never truly mocked, never humiliated, never suffers any consequences for his ridiculous self-asborbed hijinks, and never learns a goddamn thing. He treats his friends, his women and most of the rest of the world like toys for his amusement but is still unironically presented as the strip's protagonist. There are no hidden layers to Least I Could Do: what you see is what you get, and what you've got is a contemptible, transparent, and desperately unappealing Mary Sue character who's the undisputed lord and master of his own little universe. It's a bad, bad strip, and I hate it a lot.
Anonymous said...
kiruzog said...
Oh, John Charlemagne YOU PLAYED ME FINE
tess said...
I was hoping for a little more in depth nit-picking here... something a little more like what normally appears here, with lots of examples and explanation. Since it is so horribly bad, and you should feel much worse about it than you appear to. I mean, it's actually worse than dominic deegan.... in places. A lot of places. You do make a good point about it not being plotted in the slightest tho. This is a problem with a lot of comics, particularly in their early stages (under the pretense of: lol gag-a-day).
INTERNET said...
You're a faggot.
jerkface said...
Anonymous said...
Asila said...
It references my favourite Doctor Who series, so it can't be all bad, right? ...right? (actually, the chick with the teeth makes me giggle. HUR HUR.)
Anonymous said...
Not enough personal attacks.
Anonymous said...
Well played Solomon.
Nick said...
I love Least I Could Do, because even though it is mysogynistic, it never takes itself seriously and it has enough wit to pull it off. I mean in the strip that someone pasted in the last comments thread, they leave out the fact that Rayne is viciously beaten by Noel for complaining about only getting sex twice daily. Plus, daily updates, in full color by a professional artist, and though he can draw similar faces now and again all his characters are distinct in appearance and I've never seen Lar copy/paste. I love LICD. LOVE IT.
Anonymous said...
I'd rather read Dominic Durgan than read Dominic Deegan that's for sure.
Anonymous said...
I love LICD. LOVE IT. So do you always go around proclaiming your faggotry this loud on the internet?
Nick said...
FAGGOTRY! Well I sure am smited now :)
Anonymous said...
I love Least I Could Do, because even though it is mysogynistic, it never takes itself seriously and it has enough wit to pull it off. If you think that's wit, then you're an idiot. A really, really, really big idiot.
Anonymous said...
Nope, you still have to feel bad. I'm sorry. It's like all the contestants voting Anne Robinson off the weakest link in an act of beautiful rebellion. If she didn't bemoan herself and walk off, that situation is boundless fail. I still feel bad for being a weaboo fantard of Megatokyo, liking it for 'the art' and other such crimes against sequential storytelling appreciation, and it is this irredeemable mark of shame branded across me that spurs me on to do much, much better things.
Anonymous said...
Yeah. This was no better than a Something Awful frontpage "editorial". Not reading this anymore.
Nick said...
idiot Actually, I make a lot of money because I'm really, really smart :) Seriously, what all these whiny webcomic artists make in month of donation-begging, I about double each week. It feels awesome.
Anonymous said...
Something good on the internet:
Mike said...
I just can't believe John made so fucking many. I was clicking "Next" a bunch of times on Durgan, and I kept expecting to reach the end really fast. I eventually clicked Archive and saw over a year of Deegan parodies. My jaw literally fucking dropped. I expected like 30 comics, tops. Seriously John, you have the will power and the resolve of a Saint for being able to put up with that trash. In other news, Scott Roomewrqjlvnjdhbnmair still has a retarded fucking name and is a crybaby hack. There's a reason people use stage names when their real name is shit. Or they're in porn, either way, his name sucks. Btw, as a side note, Durgan won't display in FireFox for me. I have no idea why, I've never had trouble with pngs before. I have to load it in an IE tab for some reason.
Mike said...
Something good on the internet: Somebody read the Johnny The Homicidal Maniac collection one too many times. Shame, he shows flashes of good art, but overall, it's shit.
Robert said...
Something fucking horrible on the internet. Mookie has such stellar character development. Your life will not be complete until you click on all of the little pictures.
Anonymous said...
why I am so bald?
Anonymous said...
Amazing. John actually made people like a bad comic and ask him to make more. His world has imploded and reformed into a hell of his own creation that resembles the one he fought to destroy. The very voice of reason against bad comics has convinced the world to like bad comics. This blog would make an excellent webcomic. An excellent BAD webcomic. And no one will ever feel bad again. Woo hoo.
George Bernfield said...
I think John needs to take a break, this rant was pretty insane.
Anonymous said...
OK John is a wanker, seriously. I like his other stuff and all but rambling pages and pages about "oh yeah this is bad on purpose, I did it to be bad, really I wasn't trying to be good so if it's bad it's *by design* and so the fuck on for forever and forever, was just embarrassing to read. Jesus Christ, go back to talking shit about bad comics.
zee said...
I'm not going to pile on Nick for liking something that sucks (we all do it), but wit? In THAT strip? Smug smartassery with a dollop of lamebrained surreality, sure, but wit not so much. It's funnier than PvP, though. QC watch: Yesterday's fart joke gets followed up by one about teabagging. Keep chasing that rainbow, JJ!
zee said...
And I agree that there are still far too many bad webcomics out there to justify two self-indulgent filler posts in a row.
McLev said...
The only scenario where you can say that LICD is good is where you compare it to LFG.
Will said...
Oh, trust me, it's not just webcomics. I speak from experience here when I say there is nothing as sublime as making Iron Man talk like a horny sailor. (It just doesn't work for Spider-Man, though. Go figure.) Actually, it does In fact the only Durgan strip that made me laugh references the above.
Anonymous said...
Well, it's noble for John to be all self-critical. As a webcomic, as a stand-alone story, I guess it would suck. But as a pure piece of mockery I loved Durgan. I just read through the whole archives laughing my ass off. I was quite disappointed that there wasn't more, since I was hoping to see how he'd redo the infamous rape arc. If anything, "Ooh! I know! I'll dress up like Emily Dickinson and throw myself off a bridge! That'll ROCK!" made this all worth it.
Anonymous said...
Since it is so horribly bad, and you should feel much worse about it than you appear to. I mean, it's actually worse than dominic deegan.... in places. A lot of places. Agreed. Not that he cares, but going easy on himself here has dented my appreciation for John's articles. Maybe he should have had one of the other reviewers savage Durgan for him, if the result was going to be this weak and self-defensive. Okay in the meantime Scott Waaaamoosiar has this to say... Yes! Because an obviously-cropped-and/or-resized photo that was taken at an unknown date TOTALLY absolves him of any and all accusations—isn't hypocritical at all—and proves that he's not a dick! Man, he sure showed us—I am so embarrassed! ^//////^ QC watch I've never read this comic, but I did a double-take when the girl on the right said something about the girl on the left being a boy. Then I realized it was probably irony.
wenzen said...
He probably had nothing better to do. And bored out of the skull. Still the last part was good for a laugh.
Anonymous said...
nick said: I'm a huge faggot and I wish i was Rayne. Also, Rayne is a really stupid fucking name. What's up with all these webcomics faggots naming their characters something completely ridiculous? By the way nick, your wife's a fat sack of shit and you're the only male in existence to suffer from penis envy.
Ozark said...
I didn't know you were the guy who did it, but I actually thought Durgan was a fairly funny read on a boring day. It wasn't that good, but it was tons better than the original. I cared more about what happened to a racist asshole in denial of his sexuality than I cared what happened to a sanctimonious Noble White Boy. Yeah, Mookie. You blow.
Dan said...
I still don't understand why people on this forum throw the word misogyny around like they got their definition of the word from a militant feminist. I like LICD and yes the main character is a womanizer but I would hardly call that misogyny he hasn't beaten or raped a woman he just sleeps with them. I mean you really can't portray the main character as a man whore unless you show him as a man whore.
The Cynic Sage said...
I for some reason my computer won't let me see any image posted on the Comic-Genesis site. Maybe I'm blessed. I there some other way you can show us the strips?
zee said...
LFG is another rancid cow patty of a strip. The only thing noteworthy about it is the fact that every character is a boring nonentity save for the murderous warlock or whatever the fuck he is. What does it say about the author that the only characters he can write convincingly are complete assholes? Re the issue of misogyny in LICD: well,it's no Shredded Moose, and thank god for that. However, between the implicit glorification of the main character's "fuck 'em and forget 'em" attitude, and the fact that there's not a single woman in the strip that has anything approaching a fully fleshed character (indeed, they're all just sexual props for Rayne or otherwise exist to play up what an awesome guy he is), there's more than a whiff of queasy self-satisfied sexism going on there. It's true to Rayne's character, sure, but he's rarely if ever shown in an unflattering light for all his repulsive attitudes. THAT'S what gives the strip its particular brand of suck. It's pure wank-fantasy bullshit from a stunted, peurile mind, and the world does not need more of that.
The Cynic Sage said...
I mean: "for some reason my computer won't let me see any image posted on the Comic-Genesis site. Maybe I'm blessed."
Anonymous said...
I was really expecting the blog to jump the shark a lot later than it did.
tess said...
If anything, "Ooh! I know! I'll dress up like Emily Dickinson and throw myself off a bridge! That'll ROCK!" made this all worth it. OK, that was brilliant, I admit it. I laughed hysterically when I saw that. But I still stand by what I said earlier. That strip would be one of the, maybe three exceptions to Dominic Durgan being worse than Dominic Deegan... Though Durgan was, I realize, a lot less sexist than Deegan, and that stands for... something maybe. btw, check out todays dominic deegan for the most badly drawn and unsexy cat-fight you've ever seen!
tess said...
fftt fttt. RE-OW! ... this is not very sexy. It's also got a lot more words than a cat fight should. good job, mookie! You managed to ruin something that's almost impossible to ruin. (I thought I would post the link for posterity)
Anonymous said...
you don't always need to plot stories out. Bill Watterson said that he hardly ever knew where his stories were going. Of course a bill watterson only comes along every thousand years or so
Dan said...
zee: I wouldn't go as far so say that LICD is pure wank fantasy but it is pure fantasy. There are a lot of men out there that would love to be that type of guy the one that can go to a bar and always leave with a girl or a girls number. Just as there is a lot of women out that want to be that girl who can go to a bar and be fawned over by a bunch of guys. Just because the author chooses to right a comic that caters to the former doesn't make the comic is then required to send a positive message of the womanizer realizing the error of his ways and getting married and living happily ever after. Not all comics need to send a positive message or a message at all they are just in it for the fun of making a comic. Now as for the women not being fleshed out and only being sexual props I have no response. In that aspect you are correct but if the situation was reversed and the men were only displayed as the props would you be as mad? Who knows I mean just because the comic is up for all to see doesn't mean that the creator has to have a fleshed out character for every gender,race,religion, etc...
zee said...
Nice bordeline-literate response there, Holmes. The author isn't "obligated' to do a damn thing of course, but neither am I obligated to excuse him for "righting" dull, one-dimensional, masturbatory horseshit.
Dan said...
Sorry I forgot the old forum rule. When you don't have an response to a comment just find a mistake and make fun of it. Don't you just love how its used by petty jackasses who want to feel smart
zee said...
Way to miss the fucking point entirely, you whiny little bitch. Pull your head out of your ass and enjoy the view.
Dan said...
Oh I get your point and your right you don't have to like the comic if it is not what you would view as a good comic but if you don't want someone voicing an opinion different than yours then maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself.
zee said...
I'm not the one having a crying fit because someone's disagreeing with me here, buster. Sack up for fuck's sake.
Namiya said...
Again with the call-and-response? Come on, I am sure we can be a bit more civil about all of this. This is not /b/, the SA forums or anything of the like(I'm sure it is frequently visited by fellows from both sites, though). And while I agree that Durgan is... well, shitty, it is better than the original. @Zee: Do yourself a favor. Stop going back to Jeph Jacques' land of sunshine. Salomon was right. If something is boring(and boy, QC is rife with boredom), then IT has hit the fan. @anonymous 13:29: When was Irony a guarantee for fun? Especially nowadays.
Anonymous said...
Mookie has such stellar character development. Your life will not be complete until you click on all of the little pictures. ...Holy crow. Aside from the contents making me want to vomit—"brief" history, my ass! And the current "cast page" is a link to the Wikipedia article (...not even the separate characters page!) GG Mookie, you mook. ...Maybe I shouldn't rag on Mookie for being too incompetent and/or lazy to write succinct bios for his own characters. Because even that copout is better than Gallagher's patented "(i'll finish this section when i feel like it)". That shit's been sitting in the story and characters page since before I gave up on MT. Now THAT'S a long time.
Anonymous said...
Ladies and Gents, I present: CATS+ALT+FEMALE
Nick said...
Dan: Notice how I can like LICD without trying to make myself a fucking martyr out of it :)
Asila said...
Dan: You really need to rethink your "he's kinda acting like a prick, but if it was a chick it would be okay, so I think it's okay" argument. If a chick acted like Rayne acts, then she would be a mary-sue insert bitch for the creator's fantasy. Wow, just like Rayne! The only difference between a the two is that I'd call the female a loose cunt instead of a loose asshole. I will say that I'm capable of understanding why someone would like LICD, and I don't automatically assume that they have relationship issues or want to kill all women or anything like that. However, that doesn't keep LICD from being so male-fantasy oriented that I personally can't read it without rolling my eyes so hard that they pop out.
Anonymous said...
Ladies and Gents, I present: CATS+ALT+FEMALE That was fucking epic. More people need to shoop VG Cats faces onto things!
Dan said...
Asila: You are right that "If it was a girl then it would be ok" is a bad argument. I didn't come here attempting to be a prick and say "LICD ROCKS U FAG". I was just trying to find out why people start shouting misogyny at the drop of a hat when they see something like LICD.
Mike said...
On the subject of LICD, I was reading the archives at work today and I think you're way off, Zee. The main lead is the "fuck-em-and-leave-em" college type guy, but there is some battling of him looking for a steady relationship, especially in the most recent arc. One of his good friends is a female that he goes to for advice and tells his stories too, and she makes fun of him for his ways. I don't think it is as mysgonistic (sp?) as you make it out to be. And it's certainly not wank material of any kind. Being my age, I know many guys that think like that. That said, it's boring. Boring as all fuck. Good to see the art improved greatly since the early comics. As for LFG, the characters and story are rather cliche, but it's not utter trash. It's just kinda...there. Average at best.
zee said...
My dilemma with QC is that once I get into the habit of reading a strip every day, it's REALLY difficult to break myself of that habit. I only deleted PvP from my daily list earlier this year, and it was only a few months ago that I purged it from my bookmarks entirely. And that was a strip I'd grown to actively HATE well before the end came. Big a turd as it is, Wapsi Square is still buried in my links somewhere, like a loogie in my beer. Ironically enough, I only learned of QC's existence thanks to this extraordinarily mean Scary-Go-Round installment, which perfectly captures the QC zeitgeist as seen through the eyes of non-self-absorbed non-hipster non-douchebags. I should have taken the hint, but it was only after reading QC daily for a while that the horrible truth began to creep up on me. There must have been something I liked about the strip initially, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was. Meanwhile it sits in my bookmarks, mocking me, like a low-grade infection that won't quite go away. Maybe I should just delete it and see what happens, 'cause god knows "" is a certifiable bitch to type out by hand. Meanwhile, the mediocrity continues to burn...
Anonymous said...
The CAD boys look much better with the cat-graft faces, don't they?
carrot said...
The CAD boys look much better with the cat-graft faces, don't they? Honestly, that's why I did it. I couldn't stand the blank stare anymore. It's just so boring.
zee said...
mike: I wouldn't know about any current arcs in LICD, since I don't read that piece of shit anymore. However, if you or anyone else with half a brain can't see how unimaginatively sexist the strip as a whole has been, then I really just don't know what to say (and just to clarify, any wanking referred to is solely on the part of Ryan Sohmer as he churns out his painfully transparent gee-I-wish-I-were-this-guy superhero fantasies). This "female" you refer to... does she have a name? Does she have any distinguishing characteristics besides a smart mouth and a great rack? No, she doesn't. She's there only to reflect Rayne, just like very other character in the fucking strip. The other characters aren't even characters, they're one-sentence descriptions. "Long-suffering best friend," "dorky fat guy who can't get laid," "kid who is just like Rayne and idolizes him in every way," and so on. It's lazy, shitty writing because Sohmer is a lazy, shitty writer. He doesn't DO deep, and he doesn't DO satire. And if he really is trying to open up Rayne's character with more self-doubt or whatthefuckever, then I think I hear the whistle of that ol' suck train comin' round the bend. Because we all know how well mediocre comedy strips do when the author feels compelled to work in some Serious Drama, don't we? LICD is crap. I thought the whole point of this blog was to discourage the mitigation of crappy webcomics. Stop doing that.
zee said...
Fixed link (I hope) from above:
Anonymous said...
*watches all the asskissers gather 'round to congratulate you on your brave honesty.* You still should feel bad. If everyone else has to, you should to.
Anonymous said...
What ass-kissers? We've moved on to criticizing completely unrelated stuff, now.
zee said...
Since the blog authors no longer seem interested in actually reviewing bad webcomics, guess we have to do it somewhere.
Anonymous said...
Fake Larry said...
This post has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
Time paradox.
Asila said...
Bloody fucking hell! I just realized that the jack-off who writes LICD is the same jackass who writes LFG. (Don't laugh, I don't read LICD and have no reason to know the name). Well, at least that explains why LFG doesn't make any fucking sense.
alex said... Given this particular strip's message, the misspelling of the word "academics" is too good to ignore.
Anonymous said...
zee said: This "female" you refer to... does she have a name? Does she have any distinguishing characteristics besides a smart mouth and a great rack? No, she doesn't. She's there only to reflect Rayne, just like very other character in the fucking strip. The other characters aren't even characters, they're one-sentence descriptions. "Long-suffering best friend," "dorky fat guy who can't get laid," "kid who is just like Rayne and idolizes him in every way," and so on. It's lazy, shitty writing because Sohmer is a lazy, shitty writer. He doesn't DO deep, and he doesn't DO satire. And if he really is trying to open up Rayne's character with more self-doubt or whatthefuckever, then I think I hear the whistle of that ol' suck train comin' round the bend. Because we all know how well mediocre comedy strips do when the author feels compelled to work in some Serious Drama, don't we? It's pretty obvious you didn't read enough of the comic to build an opinion really worth paying attention to, frankly.
limaCAT said...
I find puzzling no one came out spamming us with the new byline for this blog. <<John Solomon is a huge asshole... he also loves the cock!>> :D
zee said...
It's pretty obvious you didn't read enough of the comic to build an opinion really worth paying attention to, frankly. It's pretty obvious you're a huge jackhole with no fucking taste and the rhetorical powers of a vienna sausage, frankly.
zee said...
Also, don't agree with my assessment of the comic? Rebut it. Explain WHY I'm wrong instead of just irritating me with your LOL SUXXORS. See if you can string more than two thoughts together to form a coherent argument. But I guess you wouldn't be an annoneemoose peg-head if you could do that, would you?
glyph said...
Zee, Normally I agree with your posts as you'll recall, but now...Well, I can actually see the foam dribbling from your mouth. Calm down, accept that not everyone will agree with you, and move on.
zee said...
Oh, I'm quite alright with the idea of being disagreed with. And while mental midgets may piss me off, I'm not about to have a right fit because some dipwad on the Internet doesn't like my opinions. I save that kind of aggravation for REAL concerns, thanks.
tehkou said...
Zee, have you thought about starting your own blog? 'cause I'm just saying, I would read it.
Mike said...
You do seem pretty ticked off, Zee. Just saying. More so than I've seen you be on these comments before. As for your rebuttal to my point, I don't really know much else about the female character. I was skiming the archives and not paying that much attention. I just don't think the comic is as sexist as you make it out to be. The other characters comment negatively on the main character's behavior towards women alot and I think that goes a long way. If they all approved of his attitude, like in a Shredded Moose, then you'd have a complaint. But the character is looked at for being stupid with his ways. I still don't like the comic because it's fucking boring (seriously, this is my no. 1 reason to not like a comic), but I'm not convinced it's women hating. And I really hope you don't consider me a "peg-head" since I did have a legitimate rebuttal to your complaints.
zee said...
While I do think that a brutal and fearless webcomics review site should exist, it strikes me as a thoroughly thankless undertaking. And since I seem to be attracting the attention of the pinheads now that the blog authors have vacated the comments section, I can tell you I wouldn't have the patience for it. I'm flattered that you find my venomous expectorations entertaining though, however mildly. Mike, I still don't see eye-to-eye with you regarding LICD (the other kids in Peanuts think Charlie Brown is a piece of shit, but Schulz clearly did not), but at least you took the time to EXPLAIN why you see it that way, and in a fairly reasonable and well-thought-out manner to boot, as opposed to the idiotic "UR wrong U love teh cock" sort of replies that have plagued this blog from day one. That is no small distinction.
zee said...
I'll say it again, though: a comic doesn't have to sink to the depths of Shredded Moose in order to qualify as sexist. Shredded Moose is reprehensible filth. LICD is merely pathetic garbage. Both, however, display a juvenile, hostile attitude towards women and sex. And so it goes.
Nick said...
But its only the stupid girls in LICD that are actively mocked. That or anyone who happens to date Noel. Otherwise, we have one girl who constantly puts Rayne in his place (Issa), another who did sleep with Rayne but only because she felt like it and not because she managed to be seduced (Cyndi), another who is a self-made millionaire who did have a fling with Rayne but realized it was unprofessional to fuck him (Marcy). There have also been several more or less nameless girls who, despite not being particularly deep, have caused Rayne to end up in jail, in a mental ward, tied up naked to a tree, etc. Rayne is who he is, but the tone of the comic itself is not explicitly sexist, nor is Rayne shown to be completely unredeemable. He just lives by his own set of principles and doesn't particularly care whether or not it offends anyone. I love it :) Plus, as stated before, the art is fantastic in LICD. Now where's the new review?
Patrick said...
Best fucking webcomic ever, I've never laughed so hard at one before. It's like a more verbose Jerkcity with an, albeit hilariously awful, plot.
zee said...
Are the standards for webcomic art so low that a strip whose artwork is competent at best can be said to look "fantastic?" Wait, don't answer that... And I'll take your word for it that Rayne has gotten his comeuppance in the ways you describe, since those must have been days I never read. I gave up on the strip after that fucking Christmas Carol thing where Rayne concluded that, as matter of fact, he was perfectly awesome just the way he is. I felt I really had seen more than enough at that point. If Sohmers is starting to realize that his little Supercock fantasy is one-note and sick-making and is trying to shake things up a little, then more power to him. I'm still not going to read his crummy strip.
Mike said...
If Sohmers is starting to realize that his little Supercock fantasy is one-note and sick-making and is trying to shake things up a little, then more power to him. I'm still not going to read his crummy strip. This is where you lose me, Zee. I don't know how old you are or where you are from, but I'm 23 and I live in the USA (Mass to be more exact). Alot of guys around my age, and some old, think like Rayne does. Being a player is a pretty normal thing for most young guys to obtain. And it always has been, too, and in other parts of the world. Kings and other royalty with harems and multiple wives is common through out history, and it manifests it self in today's "ballers" and players. As for the comic itself, maybe the writer did think it out enough where over time, Rayne would become more mature and settle down from his ways. Or maybe he got bored wrting this way and chose to go in another direction. I don't know. I just don't think it's sexist, I think it represents the thinking of your average young male.
Nick said...
Lar has a great grasp of perspective, draws unique characters, has an individual style that you can pick out immediately, all while providing a daily full-color strip. What more can you possibly ask for, especially in a gag comic? LICD doesn't meet the "bad" webcomic standard that's so often described in this blog. You simply dont like it (which is fine), and you seem to be getting awfully mad that others might (which is annoying). All your posts are focusing entirely on your perceived bad points as you gloss over the things in the same strip that can be used as counter-points (Rayne's moments of generosity, the number of strong female characters, the many times in which Rayne is the butt of the joke rather than getting off scott-free like so many other self-insertion characters). And on the subject of self-insertion... Rayne's brother is that role. Cuz see, that guy's bald while Rayne has hair. They're totally different :)
Anonymous said...
So much for MWF updates . . .
Anonymous said...
nick: I share in the opinion that LICD ain't all bad, but Rayne is—or perhaps was—definitely a vessel for Sohmer. Just like Mick is/was their webmaster (can't remember his name at the moment...Craig?) and Lar is...well, Lar. I'll admit, Sohmer may have wised up to the fact that idealistic self-insertion is just NOT GOOD, because Rayne is a lot more fallible than he used to be. But there's no denying that Rayne is speaking with his creator's voice.
Nick said...
I know. I was sorta kidding :)
Bongo said...
Strongbad has some good things to say about webcomics...
R.I.P> YWiB said...
Geez, you can practically hear this blog's death rattle. First, two posts without a proper webcomic review. Second, out of four reviewers not one of them is able to keep to the MWF schedule? Hey look, a tumbleweed just blew by...
zee said...
Mad? No, I'm not getting mad. I couldn't care less if you like the strip. Knock yourselves out. There are worse comicss out there, but if people are going to get pissy and butt-hurt that I'm simply expressing my opinion – forget the gist of the opinion, the mere fact that I'm expressing it seems to be annoying the shit out of some of you people – well, there aren't enough hours in the goddamn day to keep going on about it. Yeah, fuck that Zee guy, only focusing on the bad points of a comic he fucking hates. Where the hell does he get off? And I don't give a horse's pitoot what guys of a "certain age" consider to be acceptable behavior. Most of the young males I know should have been drowned at birth.
Nick said...
Honestly, who touched you? Cuz those comments of yours just drip with disdain for the male sex.
zee said...
No, just the stupid ones, which still describes most of you.
Anonymous said...
Lar has a great grasp of perspective, draws unique characters, has an individual style that you can pick out immediately, all while providing a daily full-color strip. What more can you possibly ask for, especially in a gag comic? I can't really comment on LICD, but something bugs me about the way the characters in LFG look at things, or rather the way they don't look at things. A lot of the time, they look like they're staring off into space, even when talking to other characters. I'm lukewarm about LFG, but this one thing really irks me.
zee said...
That'd be the patented "heavy-lidded smirk" that's a staple of mediocre cartoonists everywhere. Open up a typical dead-tree comics section and I guarantee you that the HLS is going to out number actual funny jokes by an approximately 20 to 1 ratio.
pete said...
"I can't really comment on LICD, but something bugs me about the way the characters in LFG look at things, or rather the way they don't look at things. A lot of the time, they look like they're staring off into space, even when talking to other characters. I'm lukewarm about LFG, but this one thing really irks me." I like Lar's style, but it's definitely far from perfect. I've noticed that not-looking-things thing for a long time now and it always bothers me. As for whether or not LICD is a good comic, it doesn't matter to me. It makes me laugh most of the time, and, ironically for a so-called sexist webcomic, my wife laughs at it, too. I'm not reading it for any great insight into the characters or life; I'm just watching the next dumb thing Rayne does and chuckling. That's just my 2 cents.
zee said...
"That Garfield, what a card! Boy, he sure likes his lasgana."
John Proctor said...
Solly, you shouldn't have stopped taking your pills!
Richard Fuck said...
Solomon's too famous now to do a proper review! Oh noes.
tehkou said...
It makes me laugh most of the time, and, ironically for a so-called sexist webcomic, my wife laughs at it, too. Okay, this is no comment on LICD or anything, but people have got to stop saying "I know a girl who laughs at it! That means it's not sexist!" and things to that effect. Just because a single woman (or even multiple women) support a misogynistic work does not make it less misogynist. There were significant numbers of women who protested Women's Suffrage. Find a better argument.
Lim-Dul said...
No Friday update, no comments by Solomon... Where's my weekly (or semi-weekly) dose of entertainment? :-(
Luprand said...
The most I can say about "The Least I Could Do" is that the first time I saw anything about it was in an ad on Real Life Comics. It featured what's-her-face protesting that she wasn't going to take off her shirt for the ad, and Rayne (I guess that's his name) making some wise-ass comment about it. And then I saw the (used?) condom on the logo and said, "Yeah, this isn't really one that I'd enjoy." So instead I went over to one of the mediocre comics that, while maybe lacking in art or writing, I enjoy.
Bob bob bob said...
I am eating cheese fondue right now Must I c..continue the eating of the Fondue or should I read Dominic Durgan, staple of american subculture and comic of the web I don t kn.....know which would be b.b..b...etter I opt for the fondue. Fuck you John Solomon.
Baron said...
what are you talking about you ridiculous horrible retard
bob bob bob said...
I usuallyt agree with what it is you say Jone Soloman but this time I dont for some obscure reason that gives depth to my mysterious internet personna. That comice ofyours is good though congratulaccion I am that special fan who gives criciticsim(sp) in order to stand out I AGREE, BUT WHINEWHINEWHINE is my Word And my opinion matters bcause unlike others it is nuanced, so you better read this and answer in a fashion that will make me feel specialer than others, if not the specialest commenter of this blouge on another note I am also exempt of such mortal limitations like punctuation and making any fucking sense
Anonymous said...
You know, maybe Deegan is a bad webcomic, and there are probably a lot of bad webcomics out there and you could be bringing them to light, and warning people of them, and in that case; good for you. On the other hand, you could be some lame-ass jerk criticizing other people's work because you have no life; in which case you suck. Now, as much I would like to think that you are the former, your most sorry attempt at illustration and crap diolog in Durgan are FAR, FAR worse then Deegan. This hipocritical evaluation of art and story telling ability leads me to be beleive you are the later, and as such your oppinion is entirely worthless. In short; I Hate hipocrits.
Anonymous said...
Well, I hate people who apparently don't get the point of a post before they start spewing their woefully misinformed opinions. I also hate people who abuse the English language. Enjoy being hated, you stupid fuckheaded twat. (I also hate people who post on long-dead threads, but I'm willing to let that particular pecadillo slide. I know, I'm too generous.)
Anonymous said... That made me laugh really hard XD
Anonymous said...
John Solomon is Charlie Brooker.
wthp said...
Jumping on the LICD hate bandwagon here. The comic is irredeemably shallow--and not in a self-aware, campy-fun, wink-nudge way, but an exasperatingly juvenile way. Lar's art is wasted on Not-Sohmer and his troupe of Acme Zaniness-Response 3000 Units. Any entertainment value--the little you can get out of days upon days of jokes deemed too lame for MADtv--is entirely mitigated by the fact that by supporting LICD, you are contributing to Sohmer's masturbatory fantasy; you are leaning over and giving his e-penis a big fat kiss.
Anonymous said...
It seems dominic durgan is gone. This solicits a D: Also the "john solomon is charlie brooker" thing makes a surprising amount of sense.
Anonymous said...
You are an immature piece of trash. Get off the damn subject already; you're getting old real fast. You're a real asshole.
Anonymous said...