But not forever. I'm on something of a business trip right now, and the Internet connection here is not supposed to be used for blogging about terrible webcomics, much less actually reading terrible webcomics in order to blog about terrible webcomics. People would end up going "John, what the Hell is this Megatokyo thing?" and I'd scream "NOOOOOOOO" in slow motion and slam the laptop shut before they gazed upon that abomination and ruined their lives.
I'll see if I can't submit you to a horror or two on the weekend, though.
I'll see if I can't submit you to a horror or two on the weekend, though.
- 3~~~*
- Are you promising us Megatokyo? I am so happy I could cry.
- I feel bad because I actually liked MegaTokyo back before Largo left and introduced a bunch of people to it. Not that it was ever any good, but I can't believe those people still like it. Just as I can't believe I actually read all of the last 700 comics myself. You'd think my spinal cord would have strangled me.
- Well, have fun, and come back soon. Recently started reading through the SA Webcomic thread, and while it is fun and they all mostly have good points and debates, they don't have the entertainment value your angry bitter insults/critiques carry. And I mean that in the nice, completely not sarcastic way, keep up the good work!
- Fred seems like a nice guy, I shook his hand once. He probably won't threaten to kill you (though he might emit waves of passive-aggression) so it might not be quite so fun. His webcomic is definitely bad, though. Fun animu fact: his characters' eyes are so far apart because his art idols are these Japanese dudes who draw like this: http://key.visualarts.gr.jp/product/kanon/indexallse.htm
- That's good to hear, I was afraid you had decided to stop writing this. I've got a couple of comics to recommend when you get back. :]
- I don't know if you read Dr. McNinja, but if you don't then it might provide some entertainment when you get back from this business trip. And if you do read it, or have read it in the past, then I'd be interested to hear what you think. http://www.drmcninja.com/
- I'm glad to hear that this blog isn't dying an early death. Here's to more bad webcomics getting what they deserve, more internet drama, and fewer threats on Mr. Solomon's life.