Single Asian Female
Fighting for her client
Wearing sexy miniskirts
And being self-reliant.
In the "About" section, there is a heading which says "Is the comic strip meant to be funny?"
The answer is, apparently, "No, the strip is not meant to be funny, but educational and an avenue to promote discussion about issues in our community."
This is a bit of a shame because it is funny, much in the same way that the guy who stands on the street corner yelling about Jesus is funny. Likewise, it is also incredibly preachy and makes little to no sense whatsoever. Yes, this is a bad webcomic - which is what makes it a good webcomic.
According to SAF, the world is divided up into two halves: Asians and non-Asians. The primary focus of the comic is the importance of racial purity. At this point you may be thinking "Oh, that John Solomon!" But it is sadly true.
"What's she got that I don't?" thinks our Single Asian Female. "I'm taller, prettier and Asian! Why does he date a white woman when IT IS HIS DUTY TO MATE WITH ACCEPTABLE SPECIMENS AND NOT DILUTE HIS PROUD ASIAN BLOOD"
Keep looking through, you'll find a whole host of this stuff. White guys are portrayed as being two steps down from rapists - creepy sexual predators who lust after Single Asian Females in order to get at their exotic sideways vaginas. Then there are the Self-Loathing Asian Females (apparently) who get it on with white dudes because they simply have no pride in their Asian Femaleness. Shocking, truly shocking.
Take a gander at Jackie. What starts out as what you may think is a conversation between friends about how people can be overbearing and bigoted about mixed-race relationships turns out to be about how the White Devil cannot be trusted, and will ruin your life and leave you as a Single Asian Female forever. Ethan Lee knows how it is, ladies and gentlemen! If you dilute your proud Asian blood and have a half-breed child, you will doom yourself to being Single and Asian and Female!
Luckily this story has a happy ending, where a Single Asian Male is discovered and he's a software engineer! Boy, that's not stereotypical at all. He likes kids and he's the perfect guy, so hooray for Jackie and here's hoping she forgets her disgusting, pale-skinned, round-eyed mistake.
Really, I can't say much to do it justice. Go read Single Asian Female today.
Fighting for her client
Wearing sexy miniskirts
And being self-reliant.
In the "About" section, there is a heading which says "Is the comic strip meant to be funny?"
The answer is, apparently, "No, the strip is not meant to be funny, but educational and an avenue to promote discussion about issues in our community."
This is a bit of a shame because it is funny, much in the same way that the guy who stands on the street corner yelling about Jesus is funny. Likewise, it is also incredibly preachy and makes little to no sense whatsoever. Yes, this is a bad webcomic - which is what makes it a good webcomic.
According to SAF, the world is divided up into two halves: Asians and non-Asians. The primary focus of the comic is the importance of racial purity. At this point you may be thinking "Oh, that John Solomon!" But it is sadly true.
"What's she got that I don't?" thinks our Single Asian Female. "I'm taller, prettier and Asian! Why does he date a white woman when IT IS HIS DUTY TO MATE WITH ACCEPTABLE SPECIMENS AND NOT DILUTE HIS PROUD ASIAN BLOOD"
Keep looking through, you'll find a whole host of this stuff. White guys are portrayed as being two steps down from rapists - creepy sexual predators who lust after Single Asian Females in order to get at their exotic sideways vaginas. Then there are the Self-Loathing Asian Females (apparently) who get it on with white dudes because they simply have no pride in their Asian Femaleness. Shocking, truly shocking.
Take a gander at Jackie. What starts out as what you may think is a conversation between friends about how people can be overbearing and bigoted about mixed-race relationships turns out to be about how the White Devil cannot be trusted, and will ruin your life and leave you as a Single Asian Female forever. Ethan Lee knows how it is, ladies and gentlemen! If you dilute your proud Asian blood and have a half-breed child, you will doom yourself to being Single and Asian and Female!
Luckily this story has a happy ending, where a Single Asian Male is discovered and he's a software engineer! Boy, that's not stereotypical at all. He likes kids and he's the perfect guy, so hooray for Jackie and here's hoping she forgets her disgusting, pale-skinned, round-eyed mistake.
Really, I can't say much to do it justice. Go read Single Asian Female today.
- WTF is the point of her carrying The Autobiography of Malcolm X in "Sellout"? Kids at Berkley can definitely relate to Malcolm X's life, I guess.
- Exactly. If this comic were meant to be funny, then it wouldn't be on this blog, because it would be a good webcomic that does its job well. It somehow ascends even self-parody, because somebody trying to make a parody of SAF, knowing its premise, would make a comic exactly like the Sellout one linked in the post word for word!
- Damn. I had hoped the title was a Futurama reference.
- malky, I did work in a Futurama reference, but I am sorry if you found a bad webcomic on a blog about bad webcomics.
- Yeah, what was I thinking? While I'm here, where the hell did you find this one? Reading it has certainly made me a worse person, but I can't believe I didn't hear about it earlier.
- Christ, this is the worst webcomic I've ever seen. I love how she turns Michael Richards' tirade into OMFG ASIANS!
- Actually, it all kind of makes sense since it was actually written by an Asian male who clearly can't get into the pants of an Asian female: All images and content Copyright 2006 Ethan Lee.
- Only relates to your rant in the slightest, but a bit of hilarity... As I was reading this blog post, the Google Ad box in the sidebar had the following text: Asian Girls For Dating Beautiful Chinese ladies seek men for love and marriage. Join free! I guess they forgot to put the "no honkies allowed" disclaimer in the ad.
- Yeah. Don't really think this webcomic is going to encourage people to become more openminded. Quite the opposite, methinks. I really thought 'Sellout' was a joke, because it was so damn racist and puritanical. But turns out the whole comic is like that. A white guy targeting Asian women in tragic, but to turn it into a hate crime demeans other rapes and sexual assaults. Not to mention her tirade about self defence, as though it is a woman's fault if she is attacked, and does not manage to fend off her attacker. I'd hoped we'd have moved beyond the 'blame the victim' mentality by now... no means no, no matter what shoes you might be wearing that evening! Other people (besides African Americans) got lynched? You think?! *rolls eyes* Welcome to brutal history, everyone... Loved her 'there's so much racism in the world'... then complaints about dorky white guys, just one step away from sexual deviancy. Or people asking where she comes from. I'm white Australian, and people often ask where I come from. Irish heritage, I say. Usually the beginning of an interesting discussion about convict history, and travel... Sorry for ranting, but thanks for bringing this comic to my attention. Love Bridget
- AzN PrYdE!!!! What a load of horseshit. I think the webdesigner is Ethan Lee, and the artist is Jennie or whoever. But regardless, this was obviously written by some bitter Chinese-American chick who has really shitty taste in men. Hey, sweetheart! Ever think there's a good reason you're a single Asian female?
- Reading that damn comic made me long for the reasoned arguements and balanced nature of Jack Chick. I honestly felt worse after reading it than I did after reading a fundamentalist tract about how I would burn in eternal hellfire for worshipping a cookie.
- Okay, let's set it straight. The writer of this god-awful webcomic is a male, his name is Ethan Lee. This comic is filled with the sort of emasculated self-loathing diatribe that "Asian Americans" sometimes seem to amplify, a'la "All look same", and "Lost in Racism"... Having Lived in Asia, there is absolutely NO ONE with a self-identity crisis the size of Ethan Lee's... His black-and white racism, something that he's fabricated in his own head, ignores the racism that exists in Asia, let alone throughout the rest of the country he lives in. Nobody can take this seriously, unless perhaps you're a naive Berkley student... Try being a white boy living in Usui Chiba prefecture, and I'll tell you what racism is. Absolute rubbish, and in and of itself extremely racist.
- Sideways vaginae. Whoo, boy. (Didja know that's the plural for vagina? I just found that out.) Anyways, Yeah, it's a little weird that such an anti-guy webcomic is written by a guy. All we can really hope is that he turns himself into a disgusting looking woman and becomes the next JDR.
- It's not misandrist, it's racist. Guys are just fine as long as they are a) Asian and b) dating Asian females. Blood-traitors and filthy whites that lust after sweet Asian delights are the real enemy here!
- Damn, these really are just terrible. The art's even decent, but the sheer, overpowering racism of this thing, combined with the total lack of any humor whatsoever makes it horrible beyond words. It's the kind of bad you can just can't take seriously. I mean, what the hell. And that statistic in the rape story: how would they know Asian women are disproportionately targeted if they're also underreporting it? There's no proof either way, just this author's freaky paranoia and racism toward anyone who's not Asian.
- Man, it's people like this that make Cal Berkeley look like a whiny school. But we're not. We still kick ass and invent LSD, Unix, and the Bomb.
- White people are so easy to troll!
- Priceless comic, check out the "Marie" pages. Begins with one character complaining about how all AZN guys are "Geeky, abusive, and sexist.". SAF's comment of "What about your male cousins? none of them are geeky or abusive." Sounds like not only is she racist, she's now advocating Incest.
- The comic feels like a combination of Asian pride, Asians are better than whites, and whites are evil, lynching mobs that do nothing but hurt people. Yikes, this is one creepy webcomic... Sounds like the Chinese government is stepping up its propaganda campaign.
- Hope it's cool with you...
- I dunno...IS this comic intended to be entirely serious? It might be one of those things like "Boondocks", where it's supposed to be exposing the inherent racism of the community it portrays. Or at least that's how people always excuse the blatant honky-trashing in "Boondocks".
- i know i'm commenting on a post thats almost a year old, but seriously, this blog you're doing is awesome! i'm glad you're doing this, because if you werent, then i dont think i would ever know of the pure genius that is 'single asian female'. you're doing god's work, sir.
- The difference is The Boondocks is meant to be funny, and is! Additionally all races are up for skewering in The Boondocks.
- I think reading this comic is making me a racist. The author of this webcomic needs to go back to Asia. I'm white, and I've never really found Asian women to be all that attractive. Asians seem to think along these lines as well as anime characters look nothing like asians, they look like white people.
- Great blog posting. I actually found this on and was rather amused by this comic. Nothing more than a lot of self-loathing and reverse racism. Sorry if white males are doing a better job of taking care of YOUR women. HA!
- I like the one where her (Jackie's?) mom says there are two billion Chinese in the world, why can't she marry one of them instead? Which I guess means she'd be cool with her dating a five year old boy, or a 72 year old grandmother, just as long as they were Chinese.
- John Solomon is Charlie Brooker.
- ...lmao. I love how almost everyone here thinks the comic wants to be taken seriously. Even if it says so on the about page, it's obviously not meant to be serious. It's not even written by a female. So sad that it's no longer online. Also, John, Charlie, whoever you are: you might want to review your criteria of a bad comic. It's not the author's fault if you don't get the joke.
- This comic was a response to the fact that the media portrays Asians with the shittiest stereotypical roles. Admit it, name 5 movies where Asians get decent roles not involving eunuch geeks, triads, yakuza, geisha or lotus blossoms. Jackie Chan doesn't count. It certainly is trying to go towards the Boondocks direction without the humor pointing out the bullshit Asians have to deal with everyday and the few comments here are only proving his point. Though I don't like how it's presented because they look like rants from a blog. Roger Shimomura does a better job showing how asinine racists are except he doesn't draw comments.
- LOL, you did not just defend this damn comic. Good thing it's aborted from the internet now.
- I think this comic is hilarious and reflects a certain level of truth. I should know since I'm an Asian female. I think the only fools who vehemently oppose the existence and dispersion of this kind of race sensitive comic strips are loser white boys who target Asian girls based on ignorant stereotypes.
- Ethan Lee's comic strips are not racist. Those of you who say that they are are obviously not familiar with the conservative Asian culture and do not know one Asian American female well. Don't comment on things that you know absolutely nothing about. Don't belittle someone else's dilemma deriving from his/her background and label it as a "racist" and "skewed" point of view represented by a bitter and jaded Asian man/woman. Whether you like it or not, Ethan Lee's comic strips reflect the dilemma that many Asian American females do face. Apparently some of you ethnocentric white dudes find Ethan's illustration of female Asian American's daily realities offensive. But does Ethan Lee really have to take that into account and spare your feelings? No. Because this isn't about white boys or whites in general. It's about showing another facet of American culture that is of Asian persuasion which had been and still is largely ignored. White people happen to be a part of the story because they make up the majority of the American population and Asian American females do come into contact with them more often than other races outside the Asian community. If you don't like this comic strip, then just ignore this cultural expression as you do with other Asian American related matters unless you have a genuinely constructive criticism. And if you never cared for other minority cultures, then go on your merry ignorant ways. Just don't be in the way of someone like Ethan Lee. And as a last note, I dare you white boys leaving Asian-male-hating comments to do the same in black websites promoting African American pride and cultural awareness.
- why should we? See, I actually respect what the africans have gone through during everything, yet still managing to survive. That takes some damn solid character. This shitty guy? He portrays caucasians as filthy evil shit. So why don't you, my racist (ohmigod! white people can suffer through racism as well!) asshole, post what this guy is saying about caucasian males in a black pride forum. It is just as bad, and shouldn't be tolerated. Also, looked at statistics lately? Us white guys gets to fuck way more asian girls than most asian americans. Ever think that speaks of how much you people fucking sucks, instead of us being evil? Ever thought of some improvement instead of complaining about us and making racist remarks? No? Give it a try. You might actually get some instead of being reduced to this pathetic little waste of flesh you are now. But fine, you want some constructive criticism on this guys work? How about that it wrongly portrays the caucasian male? That it is obviously racist against white people? Any of those matter at all, to racist shits like you? Or do you just want to go ahead and complain to yourself, comforted by the delusion that you are "obviously so much better" than white guys, you little asian boy? Oh, and I'll be waiting for a link to show that you posted a racist remark to black people in a forum for black men. Either post that, or get the fuck off my internet.
- Hahahaha... You actually say that WE should post in a forum for black people, when we are talking about a racist asian webcomic? What the fuck?
- People, you shouldn't give a shit what they think. They are asian males. Do you realize how much it sucks to be them? Since they are so bound by tradition and shit, along with having tiny as shit dicks, the asian girls are leaving them. I mean, it must suck that they are almost universally looked at as pathetic and feminine, so why bother with anything they say? Their opinions shouldn't matter worth shit. Lets just ignore them from now, while we continue to take their women from them and treating them so much better than their own "men", and leave it at that.
- Not the japanese ones Way too fucking strange in the head, and suffering a huge amount of xenophobia (pretty much the same as in the webcomic) so I would advise to stay teh fuck away from those things. Any single other asian girl are far superior to japanese filth.
- Uggh, if I was asian I'd be ashamed of a comic like this because it's pure and utter SHIT. I think the only thing that's funny about it is that those who are stupid enough to think there's truth to it at all. Thank god it's over and done with however, much like Ayn Rand I'll never have to read any of this shit ever again. I think the find it funny how she hates geeky white guys and ends up going with a geeky asian guy instead. Not to mention the fact that she seems to have a fetish so badly for her own race she'd probably be the one hanging whitey from the tree instead. Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.