Monday, February 11, 2008

Fuck You, We're Back and Sexier Than Ever

While on the lengthy, lengthy hiatus that had many of you assuming that we'd all died, I had time to think. To contemplate. I looked back at what this blog had been and what it had become, and I was filled with an overwhelming sense of ennui. This blog... was boring me. I couldn't be bothered to look at bad webcomics every week and write about how bad they were, only to have their moronic fans and a legion of cocks from 4chan post whining comments about how I was too mean, or not mean enough, or whatever. There was no point.

I was all set to leave this damnable blog on hiatus forever, hopefully tricking most of you into holding out some vain hope that you could once again return to post shitty comments about how big of a gay dong-licker I am. But that's obviously not the case. No, what happened was I took a good look around and realised that there are still bad webcomics and nobody else is bothering to call them out on their shit. So I'm back. The blog is back. Everyone's back. I didn't really want any of it back, but it seems like people just aren't going to fucking learn.

There will be no schedule, no warning, no apologies and no bullshit. If you want to contact me, e-mail me and I'll mock you in public. If you want to relive the glory days of the comments section circlejerk with all your retarded friends, go make a "fan" forum and stay out of my sight. I'm not doing this to create, especially not for the likes of you. I'm doing this to destroy, to grind shitty webcomics beneath my heel by showcasing the fetid heaps of ignorance and incompetence that they are.


Anonymous said...
yes. Yes you are and better than ever! Missed you!
Anonymous said...
Welcome back. Now do [insert inane webcomic request here]! I already know it sucks, but I need to be validated by having somebody with a blog agree with me!
Anonymous said...
If you can't find other material criticizing webcomics you certainly aren't looking very hard.
John Solomon said...
Very few webcomic-based review sites are actually critical, and even less are downright mean. And only one says that people should get cancer for making bad webcomics.
Anonymous said...
I doubt you would listen if someone criticized you and told you to contract cancer. Why then should expect the same of others?
Ironman said...
Glad your back. I find your critiques immensely helpful as a writer, even though I don't write webcomics; plus it's nice to find some comedy that requires a brain to process. I'm rather dissapointed, however, that I won't get to suck your cock in the comments section anymore.
Lupe said...
Yes. Thank you John Solomon. You are among the most badass writers on Something Awful, and I thank you deeply for attacking some of these crappy comics. Good luck.
Morko said...
Let's hope that you will keep to criticizing webcomics rather than making up lies about the webcomic authors. Remember how you claimed that Ramsoomair threw his badge at someone in childish rage? I can understand why you hate his comic but making up stuff is outrageously low. Unless you have a contact, should it be not yourself to blame, then you should get more honest contacts that aren't likely to lie about stuff to appease your gossip addiction. from : Old news. Someone who has never met me spends more time reviewing me as a person than the comic. I think that's how all reviews must be done from now on. What was I thinking reviewing Transformers on it's merits. I should have made up shit about Micheal Bay's life. I honestly don't give a shit what people say about the comic. This however is attacking me personally. Making shit up as they go along. It comes off more as a troll than an honest review. Also here's the badge I supposedly threw at someone. Why do I still have it? Didn't I throw it in a fit of rage? Don't believe everything written on the internet. * Scoot Ramsoomair will not likely get a deserved apology from you considering your lack of manners.
Solomon is a dork said...
You're not sexy at all. You're a fucking dork who has to go on the internets to get any kind of recognition in life! LAWL
Anonymous said...
Love how fucking predictable people are.
Anonymous said...
Hah, what a fucking loser you are. Instead of actually making something, you try and get a fanbase by just bitching at something while sounding like a bitter fuckwit. Back to the gutter with you scummer.
Anonymous said...
"Skummer" nice grammer "duch" bag.
John Solomon said...
Scoot Ramsoomair will not likely get a deserved apology from you considering your lack of manners. "Scoot" doesn't deserve an apology, he is - and will always be - an utter loser and a self-important prick.
Anonymous said...
I'm so happy to see that you're back. There has been a void in my life that only your bitter hatred can fill. By the way, any chance you'll critique Multiplex at some point? ( I just read through some of the archives, and its dull as fuck. The art style is nice, but there's way too much crappy drama between characters.
Artstsym said...
Damnit John! Just when I decide it's time to organize our own damn YWIB, and get the painful truth out, you come back and ruin everything!
Anonymous said...
" "Scoot" doesn't deserve an apology, he is - and will always be - an utter loser and a self-important prick." - John 'I have nothing better to do than bitch about webcomics because it makes me feel like less of a failure' Solomon Here we have a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
John Solomon said...
Yes, I obviously have nothing better to do than to mock bad webcomics, as evidenced by the blisteringly frequent updates this blog gets.
Anonymous said...
Grrrrreat stuff!
Anonymous said...
Hell yes!
Anonymous said...
You know, for someone who claims to have so much experience with literary study, John sure likes to intentionally misunderstand what people write in the comments. Let's review facts, shall we? John gets caught in a lie about Ramsoomair throwing his badge in a fit of rage. Someone calls him on it and expressed doubt that John will apologize. John surprises no one by not only refusing to apologize, but also trying to excuse the fact that he lied by calling Ramsoomair names. Someone makes the observation that said names could equally apply to John himself. John tries to divert attention with a non sequitur about how often his blog updates. John, while you can criticize someone's comics all you want, if you're going to make an accusation against a person like that, you'd better make sure you're correct. Otherwise you might piss off the wrong person and get your butt hauled into court for defamation. As for calling Ramsoomair an utter loser and a self-important prick, do you even know the guy beyond just reading his comics and what he posts on his web page? Given the evidence, I somehow doubt it.
John Solomon said...
As for calling Ramsoomair an utter loser and a self-important prick, do you even know the guy beyond just reading his comics and what he posts on his web page? Given the evidence, I somehow doubt it. I spoke with him, via e-mail, a few years back. Weirdly enough, he came across as an utter loser and a self-important prick.
John Solomon said...
p.s. you're a stupid faggot
Anonymous said...
Personal attacks again! Are you able argue a point without resorting to childish name calling? Also, your opinion is not fact no matter how much you want it to be.
Ted David said...
lol your pretty gay
Anonymous said...
Fuck you, you're back and more boring than ever
Anonymous said...
Glad things are coming along swimmingly, someone has to beat some sense into this ocean of gender confused, video game obsessed, unoriginal, dregs of human intelligence and artistry. They still won't accept the truth, but Jesus motherfucking tapdancing Christ it's fun to watch them rage. Also, fuck 4chan. They stopped being funny and epic ages ago after they lost their balls to be truly ruthless and had a true sense of purpose to their dickery.
Scott Ramsoomair said...
Can't find the email you're talking about, John.
Nick said...
john solomon: Very few webcomic-based review sites are actually critical, and even less are downright mean. And only one says that people should get cancer for making bad webcomics. Your definitions of "very few" and "only one" must be radically different from mine. Encyclopaedia Dramatica, Something Awful, a billion other tired internet-parody sites, they all do exactly the same thing (of course, maybe it all counts as "only one" site, since EncDrama, Something Awful and 4chan all share about sixty percent of the same user base) Anyway, John, my point is, get over yourself. You are not a "lone hero," insulting bad webcomics is shooting fish in a barrel. Anyone can do it, and many people DO, so stop pretending that you're fighting the good fight alone. Yes, a lot of the webcomics you review are bad, and if you want to call them shitty and their creators faggots, by all means do so, but your incessant martyr complex just makes you look pathetic. (oh, and for someone who claims not to care about other people's opinions, you sure spend a lot of time responding to comments with childish insults)
Kagemusha22 said...
I find it funny when people use that reasoning that you're not a webcomic artist, so you shouldn't review webcomics. (With that kind of reasoning they're also looking to put Mark Kermode and Roger Ebert out of a job) As critique requires a good knowledge of language production. And it needs to be in a society to set a standard for a culture, and give a sense of conscience in a culture. (besides the likes of The Velvet Underground, wouldn't be as highhly regarded if it weren't for critical acclaim) (I'm going on a tangent aren't I?...) The people who criticise you for having a strong-sense of opinion (despite not acknowledging that they're using an opinion of their own to challenge you), fail to notice that alot of work goes into your writing. Some knob (on something called WayoftheGeek, which says it all really...) wrote that you had a terrible writing style, without noting the fact you do fully evaluate the webcomic's merits at hand, whilst providing evidence of why it's a piece of 'shit', and at the same time retain a dry sense of humour. But the person who dismissed you did not take into account that being a good writer isn't just constructing a fluent sentence. (you actually get a clear sense of personality in your work, which the person discounting you noted as a fault...which is fucking stupid to say the least) I don't always agree with you, but I do appreciate the work you've put in. It's clear you've considered more time into your review about crap webcomics, than the people who actually made the damn things. Who seem to plan the concept, plot, character design, characterisation, and over-arching themes in about 10 minutes. I'm personally aspiring illustrator, who is currently writing an webcomic with a friend. I'm not sure it'll be any good, but I'm glad you've set a standard to live upto.
Anonymous said...
John Solomon is Charlie Brooker.
Kagemusha22 said...
"John Solomon is Charlie Brooker." Really how'd you find that out? (I had a worse theory that it might have been Stewart Lee, but I only thought that for as few seconds, besides Lee doesn't swear that much....)
Jay said...
For the love of GOD. I thought no one in their right fucking minds thought was funny. Imagine my surprise today when Digg featured a STUPID comic by them. Something needs to be done, fellas.
I have got you. said...
Pardon me, nick, but you must first catch the fish and place them in a barrel. As you can see, this website serves more as a fisherman for eager barrel shooters, than as a shooter of barrels itself.
Anonymous said...
Shut up, you have no friends, get a life and learn some manners. You show no respect for yourself, the webcomic artists, the people who criticize you, or even the people who look up to you and support you. No wonder everyone hates you. You're a LOSER. Get over your "mission" to bash webcomics. Yeah, that's right, you seriously think your on a mission and that's a sign of having bipolar disorder.